
Hee! Love these old pics. Here's my dad (in the middle) with his football team from the 1930's.


Well. This exceeds the usual white elephant office gift exchange budget, but I think I must have it.

Thanks! Much appreciate the info.

Well, I am an Olde, so not into the club scene or "scene" generally. Hoping to get some good BBQ, but not necessarily places you'd see on the Food Network, you know? Because for part of the time I'll be overlapping weekend two of the music festival and am a little afraid of crowds. If I were going to recommend burger

Re Austin — you should like you know your way around. Can I ask for some recommendations? I'm going to be there for a week next month, never been there, and will have a fair amount of free time in the evening. Could you recommend can't miss bars/restaurants/etc? Thanks for any suggestions!

That's the key to the trunk of my old 71 Malibu. I've been looking for that.

The Sacramento State Gymnastics team: Dallas, Kayla, Elideth, Cayla, Kalley, Kalliah.

An acquaintance is getting ready to name her daughter Jerzee. Moo.

Roger Ebert also got a "whooo!", and I don't think anyone else did.

The Titans were my suicide pick this week. I knew San Diego would find a way to blow it. But I never expected the Spanish Inquisition.

Tina is completely right about the situation in San Diego. If you get on the 15 at the 8, and get all the way over into the left lane (the freeway is 4 or 5 lanes wide at this point), in five minutes, without changing lanes, you'll find yourself in a right-hand exit only lane. Roads down there force constant lane

No difficulties these days. Two five-month old kittens, who initiate MIXED! MARTIAL! ARTS! RACECAR! on top of me at 5:45 like clockwork. Every morning.

The DVD extras for the movie Idiocracy contain a recording of this guy's Nobel Prize acceptance ceremony.

If you enjoyed, check out Steve Don't Eat It:

I got an LED flashlight and tried picking them off in the dark, throwing them into a bucket of soapy water. That bucket was ALSO nightmare fuel. Ultimately I won the battle but lost the war...the plant lived and even thrived late in the season, but I got a grand total of three tomatoes, and frankly I was afraid to

I got tomato hookworms last year, on my tomato plant. They looked like a rolled-up green leaf and were almost impossible to pick out...bastards. Don't google those things if you want to sleep tonight — they have a huge gaping lamprey mouth with teeth. I'll never attempt to grow tomatoes again.

Someday Miley will be an old, and will be horrified by whatever the kids are doing at the 3DMAs, or whatever they'll be called then. Such is life. Given the trajectory of youth culture, I predict a Tijuana-style donkey show. Or maybe she'll be the Madonna of the era, trying to maintain that sweet, sweet youth cachet

Some relatives had a summer cabin on Hood Canal (Washington State), next to an oyster farm. My brothers used to get up early, go down to the "beach" (sharp rocks with barnacles and covered with slime for the extra slippery) with an oyster knife and an Olympia, and have breakfast. I guess if you're into that it was

I hosted a Russian dude during the Goodwill Games in Seattle in 1990. He brought Tetris, I took him shopping for Levis.