
Adam Warlock? Huh. Well, he did stay dead for a very long time.

I lived there until 2010, in University Heights, and I don't remember a lot of Democratic elected representation...though it's certainly true that the very grotesque Republicans did tend to occupy most of my attention. (Not saying all Republicans were grotesque, but there were some real doozies.) <sigh> Now I want

How did a Democrat ever get elected in San Diego anyway? And then it's THIS pig. Ugh.

Off I go to Amazon for about the 90th time to see if it's somehow showed up...even a non-remastered no-extras DVD for crying out loud. I did randomly check for The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley a few months back and IT WAS THERE!! So it does sometimes happen.... But I'm sure if it ever does I'll hear

Oh geez. I thought she was talking about the Lauren Bacall musical from 70's. Truly. I am so old.

Co-sign to this entire thread (except the people who say, eh, I guess I'm just a lazy asshole. Great self-awareness, but lousy socialization). What I specifically don't get is why, if you throw it on the ground, you can't just step on it and put it out? Why does it have to lay there continuing to spew smoke for

As you properly should have! Only Dean Winchester has managed to usurp AJ Simon in my heart.

Man, I'm sorry I already bought tickets to the Austin Music Fest for October. (The Mavericks...I just need to see them one more time.) That will be my last visit to Texas, however, as long as this nonsense continues. And as much as I'd really like to see the Harry Potter thing — Florida not going to see my shadow

Tim Thomerson > Tom Skerrit.

HA! Exactly! Why have a fight that blows over, when you can have a thirty-year grudge?

Must be watched, if for no other reason than this line: "I knew you were up to something, but I never suspected necrophilia."

Working my way down these conversations, I'm afraid that I still enjoy most of 70's genre people are reminding me of, including this. But I flove UFO, and have the complete series on my shelf right now. Much the best of the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson output. Space 1999 was a little dull.

MOAR IKE EISENMANN!! Wasn't Roddy McDowell on this? And really sexy? I loved that show.

Lying. I still love these books. I FEEL SHAME.

Ike Eisenmann was so dreamy, with his little chipmunk teeth. Whatever happened to him? <toddles off to IMDB>

I remember this and could never think anything but bad about them since. Getting rid of a living being you adopted, for convenience, is a massive button for me. Millions of children grow up perfectly healthy in homes with all kinds of animals, and even in households without income enough to hire cleaning staff. In

And, if the wedding never happens, you can always use it as a ham napkin!

Hee! I was bald until I was 2, and I grew up with a nephew (my sister was much older) only a few months younger, and he was born with a shag rug on his head and Kardashian eyelashes. Despite the excessively girly outfits I'm in, in pictures of the two of us as babies, you'd swear I'm the boy and he's the girl.

I've got a few auctions up right now — on one, I keep getting asked by a supposed prospective buyer, will I take $10 less than the buy-it-now price? I really don't know how to answer, because COME ON. Ten bucks! On another auction, someone did buy-it-now, then started asking questions about the item. Needless to say,