
I think a lot of bride/groom combos do the math in their head: "Wedding = $30K. Guests = 200. 30000/200 = $150. Therefore, Guest should buy $150 in china off the registry. Or, cash would be nice esp. since we've been living together for a while and have all the shit we need." However...you never ASK for cash, and you


no contest

Somehow I got this movie in my head: Jensen Ackles as Gary Mitchell. Nothing is ever going to live up to that, so I'm extremely blah on the whole thing. Plus, I was really annoyed at the first movie taking shots at Doohan, having the Scotty character obsess about sandwiches. You know — Doohan may have had a few too

Formative experience: woke up the morning after my 21st birthday laying on my brother's toilet, with my hand holding a glass IN the toilet bowl. And the glass was full of vomit. Tequila no.

My favorite Fabio story: He was judging some kind of bikini contest with Buck Henry, on the beach someplace, windy, seagulls all around. All these gorgeous bikini babes paraded up and down in front of them for a while. Buck Henry (as he related) got to wonder about Fabio's perspective on all this. After a time Fabio

My dad was born in 1918, and he was called "Archie" (Bunker) for very good reasons. But, like Archie Bunker, his racism came from the environment he was born into and was never hateful. He was so far to the left he was as close to a Communist as I've ever known, and he firmly believed aliens would visit the Earth in

There was never any question in my child-brain about which dad was the bio-dad. I mean, come on — just look at them. Even at the time I thought they were just being nice to poor, delusional Paul Reiser. No chance dude. That kid was going to be taller than him by age 16.

This is the first kickstarter I would contribute to.

Behind this couch is a possum. My roommate's dog wanted it bad.

I think they thought it was funny. I was mostly happy not to be in this one.

There was a big earthquake in Seattle about ten years ago — my office was on the 61st floor. It was terrifying because the building, being new, had been designed to sway and it SWAYED. I think I heard later at the very top, it moved back and forth something like 7 feet...? Anyway, afterward a lot of people were

"Suicide is, and hopefully always will be, wrong as long as that's the decision you have come to regarding your own body."


Patrick O'Brian finished his series...though he was in his 80's. I'm just not sure I'LL be around that long.

I only saw the first handful, up through Tobias's episode. Somewhat let down, though that was probably inevitable. It seems to be structured like that Alan Ayckbourn play, The Norman Conquests. I think you really need to see them all before you can make a judgment. (Halfway through the Lindsay episode I was convinced

I miss Ron Fairly.

Pink check, blue paisley, purple polka-dots, blue jacket with black buttons...that's a lotta look.

I had something at a little Italian bakery in Agoura Hills last week — don't know what it's called but it's like a terrific beignet filled with custard. It is DELICIOUS. I went back the next day and bought four. I'm thinking about going there again tomorrow. Curse you, bakery industrial complex! for inventing new

"He will go on with his life; Samy and I will go on with my life." If I were Samy, not sure I'd really want a life either, to be honest.