
My 71 Chevelle could be started with a popsicle stick.

I switched over to canvas bags a while back, and while there's a period of time where you do forget, it doesn't take long before the idea of going home with a bunch of bags seems very strange. I do miss the big paper bags on occasion, and I do still have a half-dozen or so plastic bags around — there are occasions

My language would be entirely composed of the various tenses of "shit" and "fuck". OK, it kind of is already....

Yes. Yes they do. A friend of my dad's had a knit hat made from his dog's fur. It was heinous.

"Whittling IHOP Monkeys!"

When I lived in San Diego, on a street with a lot of Navy dudes, one night some guy having a fight with his girlfriend decided to bumper-car up and down both sides of the street into parked cars, a couple of times. This was about 9 PM. A couple dozen people came out of their homes and chased this guy down the street

I got in a Yelp-fight with a frame shop, not a chain, just a dude in a little messy storefront. I'd had several things done by him over the years and he was never really prompt with completion, but his work was fine and the prices were decent. THIS time it was over six months, multiple visits to the shop, excuses

I was cursed by a wizard to always be in line behind someone using their debit card for the first time ever! After all these years you'd think everyone would have used it at least once.... Also, check-writers (I KNOW) who wait until they've been rung up to even get the checkbook out, let alone date/sign/write in payee

On I-5 north of Seattle, a rock the size of a football bounced out of the construction truck ahead of me, hit the freeway at speed, bounced up again and went over my car — clearance probably less than five feet. If I'd been following closer (or, further back) it would have smashed into my windshield lined up with my

I used to drive a 71 Chevelle 2- door. Those doors were big, and heavy, and you really have to open them pretty wide to get out. Ahem.

I saw Mission to Mars AND Reign of Fire in the theater when they opened. I find myself semi-watching them on TBS (or whatever) disturbingly frequently — I think I'm still trying to get my money's worth.

BUT tabs are cheap! Thanks Tim Eyman!

The thing about Southwest, it's predictable. It will be a 737, and it will be about 45 minutes behind schedule. Predictability is a big plus.

In my family, we had stuffed koalas rather than teddy bears. Every time I see a video like this I want to go out and buy one....

Did he only have one arm?

I believe that's known as a "fivehead".

Chris Pine I just don't even. He is truly the Heir to Shatner. I've felt actively hostile toward him as an actor since that terrible wine movie, and it's aggravating to see him continue to get all these major parts.

Boris S. Wort, the second meanest man in the world.

Compared to how people in Southern California drive in the rain, Seattle rain drivers are geniuses. Speaking as someone who spent 25+ driving years in Seattle and the last 10 down here.

Both Ms. Thing and her predecessor, Bessie, had the feline version. Apparently pretty common.