
I dislocated my shoulder doing yoga. The instructor popped it right back in. And just as in cartoons, I saw stars circling around my head.

"5. "I just can't look at his stupid fucking face for one more second."

The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley. I probably go on Amazon yearly hoping to see it.

I had a crush on a co-worker who was incredibly hairy. Once I brought along my nephew to a softball game the company was playing in — he was wearing a tank top (because in Seattle, any day that's not drizzling is a tank top day). My co-worker, not my nephew. Anyway, this dude had SO much back hair, it had kind of all

How many Stanley nickels to a Hagbuck?

Well, this has the Razzies sewed up. Every single one.

If you can afford to drive it, you can afford to get dings fixed. If you're this afraid of getting a parking lot owie, you can't afford it and are just a poser.

I wouldn't know, since Fox switched mid-game to Atlanta/Tampa Bay because...Fox, I guess. Some kind of broadcast mercy rule? WTF? Has this ever happened before?

Maybe it's observing the terrible marriages of your older siblings turning you off the concept entirely? Speaking as the youngest of seven, I can't even remember all the marriages/divorces of my siblings, not to mention the long-term relationships also ending in big messes — no thanks. Interestingly though, the next

John (Nicholas Young) was EXCEEDINGLY sexy! We used to get it on some Canadian station that came in and out in my Seattle area childhood home... I was probably over 40 before I saw the actual end of one of the serials I saw just bits and pieces of back in the...80's? (Seventies?) It was immensely satisfying! Whatever

I fostered a litter of kittens, including one who was born without eyes. When you put him in a new environment, he first went all the way around the perimeter, checking out all the landmarks — furniture, etc. — and after that he was fine, you almost couldn't tell. He was the most adventurous and active of all his

See, I suspect it's kind of too late. The Republicans as they exist now have dragged the Democrats so far to the right, they're now occupying the space the moderate Republicans used to. The Republican party can't really move very far back from this dead-end they've gone to — the Democrats are already there. I suppose

Only if they make out with each other.

Agreed re the doubling down. I think the unhinged side of what still calls itself the Republican party has one more election cycle in it, before sane actual 'conservatives' (as opposed to evangelical, corporatist authoritarians) attempt to take the wheel back. Which is fine by me, I'd love to get the House back in

I don't know why, but the expression "potted up" is making me crack up everytime I see it. It's like, the character Jenna Maroney played in that biopic, Janis Jormp-Jomp. Maybe Janice would have lived if she'd potted up instead of shooting up.

One of my co-workers was at an argument in the S.C. within the last couple of weeks, and he said she is looking very, very ill.

I knew a girl, must have been in the early 80s?, who was obsessed with one of these guys — I don't even remember which one. I don't think it was the lead guy. She followed them all over the country. One night I (and many of her other friends) got a late-night phone call: "Guess who I'm in bed with!" So smooth.

I know it's not very constructive or adult of me, but I'm inclined to vote "no" on all initiatives. Too many nasty surprises built into them. I think the initiative process has been totally corrupted by corporate interests. (I also lived through the reign of stupid in Washington State — Tim Eyman and his for-profit

No. If that were the case, find another spot.