
Bummed Trader Joe's stopped carrying brioche loaves. Those made the best french toast. I like to flavor the custard with Toroni vanilla syrup.

Every sperm is sacred.

The Vons/Safeway store brand salted caramel butter pecan ice cream is seriously the best thing ever.

My most-hated word is "munch".

Well, in fairness, I hate that show too.

I was on a jury for a murder trial, where the victim was stabbed in the chest through his breastbone. One of the questions was the angle of the puncture, evidencing the height of the guy doing the stabbing. (The knife blade itself was much thicker at the top.) Provided as evidence to us in the jury room? the knife AND

A kid on the 805 going south through San Diego, at speed, playing the drums on his dashboard. With DRUMSTICKS. In both hands, just going at it. Presumably steering with his knees?

Obviously not advocating this kind of crazy behavior, but I do kind of feel for them, if the pickup took a long time. Where I used to live in rural Kitsap County WA, if you got behind an elementary school bus you were toast. At some stops, the parents would be waiting at a little unofficial park-and-ride at some wide

If the idea is to prioritize the "top" comment (which ideally will be filled with "sponsor interaction"), can't we just go back to the old system, with that particular thread at the top of the list? And maybe while you're at it, make the comments to comments just nest in order? No?

Anchovies, I believe. So salty and oily and crunchy and fishy!

Oohhhhh...was assuming you were R1. AGGRAVATING that it's this way! I also really want the David Essex movie "Stardust". Finally did buy the R2 and I can play it on my computer. Well, I am hopeful that there will come a day everything will be available in any region you want. At some point the economic barriers to

It's available on Amazon. But Blake's 7 isn't. Go figure.

Agreed. I mean, the Tomorrow People is available onR1 DVD! Not to say I don't love the (original) TP, but as sexy as John was in his 70's jumpers and hair, you can't really say that was an 'important' show, as B7 was. I don't get it.

I was in a class all last week, and the names used in class materials were Tyler Durden, Marla Singer, Robert Paulson, etc. I mentioned it to a colleague at break one day, and just got a blank look back. I am old.

Yup. This is pretty much exactly what my FR-S feels like. I had no idea what I'd been missing all those years.

6 X 7 duh.

That's a wide distribution of color...Mama Kitty got around a bit, it seems.

Man, I just hope that Self Aware Roomba and TOASTER get together someday.

If it happens, this ambulatory baby factory will be taking her employer up on that "transfer to the EU" idea.