
So it's the final Friday of the actual Olympics, 8:30 PM, and NBC is spending how long replaying upcloseandpersonal with the original "dream team"? Because THIS is what we want to watch? Screw you very much.

I was on an airplane once and got into it a little bit with two extra conservative dudes and the poor woman they were "protecting". Doesn't matter which religion — in my view all conservative god-think is exactly the same. Anyway, the deal was they wanted me to switch seats from my window to an aisle, so the three of

A couple of nights ago there was this gem: "Ball One to Mark Ellis. You know, this year, more than many years, I have a great deal of gratitude for all the folks listening on radio and watching on television, pitch in for a strike one and one, for instance earlier this year I learned about a soul patch, that little

I enjoyed Sunday night's broadcast:

Look Occifer, I know you're a little peeved about that chunk I just blew on your sleeve, but I've already GOT a DWI, so why don't you just make like a bakery truck and leave!

I believe they have a Michael Phelps interview scheduled for 8:00. Then another one at 8:45. And an in-depth interview of Michael Phelps at 9:30. Then a bunch of other swimmers are interviewed about Michael Phelps at 10:00. So probably not.

I think we've found next year's Final Four competition.

"I knew you were up to something, but I never suspected necrophilia."

The Obama dragon looks pretty badass, actually.

Gelatinous cube.

"But Horton, the team leader, rallied the demoralized group, and they hit well on the parallel bars and high bar, their best events." Hey, that sounds like it would be really inter...oh, there's John McEnroe blathering on. And Missy Franklin as a toddler — oh, she belongs to her school's Anglophile Club? Fascinating.


Yah, I've gone back and forth with different employers, and I strongly prefer the every-two-weeks model. That means twice a year you get a three-paycheck month. Semi-monthly, OTOH, the paycheck is larger but frequently you have three weekends between paychecks. Can't I just win the lotto and get off this hamster wheel?

Even more awesome, August is a three-payday month this year. Whoo-hoo!

In the old Kirk Douglas movie "The Vikings" (which I love beyond all reason, inexplicably), somehow it's totally believable that Ernest Borgnine (king of the Vikings, before he's executed by way of wolf pit) is the father of in-his-prime Tony Curtis. They look alike! (In no other context, however, is this remotely the

I made a wedding cake for a friend years ago — it was a very informal, quirky wedding, and she expressed no opinion on decoration. They were massive Star Trek fans, so I made a very traditional three-level cake with all the trimmings, and then crashed a toy Enterprise into the top cake as the topper. Her mother

Well, I'll certainly watch it. And sign up for whatever channel shows it. If Paul Darrow is involved, of course. And maybe it will FINALLY trigger release of Region 1 DVDs of the original series!

"I think I might be into dudes." Spoken by my ex (who was a mechanic).

I worked with a woman who had a Native American last name, married an Asian man, and ended up with "Knows-His-Gun-Wong" as a last name.
