
I SORT of get it, but not enough to go see any more of his movies. The current movie trailer showing on television looks like a Wes Anderson parody. I think he's kind of like late-period John Irving...it's well-done obviously, but a little precious and samey. All IMO of course!

"Of course, some critics worried that men's room toilet seats would start getting gross (which is a legit concern)".

I bought four original comic art pieces in probably the late 80's? early 90's? Don't recall how I found the seller, but as I recall it was some middleman-type selling for John Byrne. My fave character was then (still is) Iron Fist, so they all included that character, including a cover from an issue of Power Man/Iron

It feels like you're wearing the Iron Man suit, seriously.

I used to work at a company that had a lot of business with Harold LeMay. He was a really colorful guy. He had a shit ton of old cars just parked in open fields, rusting away. Local municipalities begged him to let them take them for a museum, but he wouldn't consider it. It wasn't until he died that his heirs, I

Ha! Exactly! I want answers.

I just hope someday she spills on that very weird full-length wedding picture where it looks like she's standing up straight, it looks like he's standing up straight, and he's taller than she is. Was she in a trench? Are his shoes artfully designed toe shoes? Know the one I mean? I'd really like to know the mechanics

I took my mom on a cruise for her 80th birthday, and one night the theater performance was a hypnotist. A supremely douchey 20-year old proceeded to pretend to be the most hypnotizeable human of all time, and mugged it up to the point that I still kind of cringe thinking about it. This is my strongest memory of the

Is the picture of the squid statue on the Embarcadero in San Diego? Right by the Fishette? Man, I don't care what lives in my gums after eating there...I want some RIGHT NOW.

You are absolutely 100% correct. That frozen thing they used to make at the store in Pioneer Square? I probably think about that once a week, even after mumblemumble years away. But they were also bought by Starbucks. I used to see Torrefazione packaging, but I think they've even stopped doing that anymore. I'd be

Ms. Thing came from the shelter about four pounds heavier than she is now — not surprising since they were feeding her kitten chow! (Apparently that's all they had — Ms. Thing is a number of years past her kitten stage.) She has hanging flaps and they're adorable.

Hee! I once moved into a house that had allegedly housed the neighborhood crazy. She accused people of coming into her house at night, or when she was away, and putting food in her fridge. Her family moved her into assisted living (she was in her 80's or 90's), and I ended up having to shovel out Hoarders-level crap

Agreed. That's the first time — in any genre of television — I felt the wonderful agony of a season-ending cliffhanger. And I'm old enough to remember "Who Shot JR"!

It's been years, and I used Avigal, but I loved it.

(California) Prop 29 opponents: Your commercial barrage has convinced me. I'm voting for it! I don't care if it is "flawed".

Well, it does have that heroic George Bush statue in the airport.... I shudder to think what the GWB statue will look like you know they're planning for DFW.

Regarding eyelashes, mascara and etc. Ahem. On the left side, my eyelashes curl and look AWESOME with the Shu Uemura — I hardly need mascara. But on the right side — those buggers are completely impervious to curling/mascara. Thick but they almost bend down toward the eyeball, and I can't get them to do anything.

I was just thinking, THIS guy's still around making speeches, and Country Dick Montana's been dead for almost twenty years? Universe, sometimes you suck.

In fairness, while these commercials make me desire to have a root canal rather than experience a minute of the thing, I felt the same way about the commercials for "Whitney". (Also that "Frank" impressionist who apparently had a show on TBS. Also Meg Whitman. And Kit Kats.) Somehow "expose the potential consumer

Every time I see Fabio mentioned I recall a story Buck Henry told about being on the judging panel of some bikini contest with him. They were at the beach, all these very beautiful mostly-naked women were gyrating and parading around in front of them, and Fabio turned to say something to him. I WISH I could find a