
You've Got Mail bugged when I saw it in a theater, and every time I've seen bits and pieces of it since (it's on pretty much weekly on some cable channel or another, and sometimes you just need a little company in the kitchen where the TV only gets TBS, TNT and the Food Network, weirdly). I like mostly all the

I thought all beaches in California were public?

"I'm currently watching B7 for the first time". I am incredibly jealous. Wish I could watch it again for the first time. There's plenty of surprises not spoiled by this snippet.

I knew mascara was a bad idea today....

Well, that doesn't sound...good, exactly. However I highly recommend the espresso vodka they make. Fantastic!

She's a total GMILF.

I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Tent Caterpillar Time in Seattle is no joke. Every few years you get billions of them, hanging in huge nests from every upright green thing. The roads are literally orange where there are overhanging trees, so many get mashed. I was at Lake Goodwin once, on a beach with a lot of alders...I caught a caterpillar

I just went for the first time in about five years. Had a filling replaced, a root canal (on a tooth with an existing crown), an old gold crown replaced, plus about 20 xrays and a cleaning. I am the biggest dental baby there ever was, and it wasn't super-pleasant (and was pretty expensive, even with decent insurance),

Der.... Of course, Bill Pullman was recently in Torchwood. Perhaps they are converging.

Throwing that necklace in the ocean never fails to piss me off. It's doing no one any good on the bottom of the ocean (plus Bill Pullman is going to find it anyway). Sell it and send a thousand poor immigrants to college with the ManLipstick scholarship!

Popped in olive oil and just slightly burned. Mmmm...unfortunately I can only have it on Friday night. About 36 hours after, my digestive system expresses severe displeasure.

I'm electorally constipated. I can no longer process these shitty movies. I literally cannot make a choice in either bracket. I do think that Pluto Nash and Battlefield Earth are both worse their either Catwoman or The Last Airbender, though. See you next round!

This is, like, the sixth time I've come back to look at this picture. Daaaaamn.

Another couple of PP contributions coming up, in the name of Nancy Barto and Debbie Lesko. AND my employer matches qualifying charitable donations, and PP qualifies.

The thing about the Washington liquor laws that aggravated when I lived there (first 40+ years of my life, so plenty of drinking years) was the lack of variety in the State stores. The first time I walked into a BevMo, mine eyes were opened.

Also a Seattle transplant living in California. The first couple of months I was here, I pretty much bought booze every time I went into any store, just because I could. I had to get a piece of furniture to hold it all.... If Washington gets Total Wine stores, I might consider moving back.

I enjoyed GoT, I even bought the BluRay a couple of weeks ago to refresh the ol' memory in advance of the new season, but...does no one else find Peter Dinklage's accent terrible? It takes me out of the moment, and I lurve Dinklage (wish his flirtation with Liz Lemon had gone the way of recurring status). For all the

I read the article and agree it cleared up some misconceptions I had about the facts of the case. It also fleshed out the individuals and their stories. For myself, though, still at the end of it, I thought that the charging authorities got it exactly right. Ravi was indicted and convicted for the awful things he did.

I checked my address on street view yesterday, and the picture's changed since the last time — my cat is sitting in the windowsill giving the photographer the stink eye. Based on her behavior when I'm home, I kind of figured that's what she does all day when I'm gone — nice to have actual proof.