
"freedom" — you keep saying that word, but I no think...etc.

Seriously Arizona — you've got hot weather in the winter, but what else ya got?

3) Agreed — why did I leave? Oh that's right — high cost of living and low wages. Speaking of interesting people, at Christmas I was down there and while stopped at a red light on the Embarcadero, a dude wearing a full-on Christmas wreath strolled across the street giving everyone in sight the finger with both hands.

Christopher Lee, obviously he's not a young man but...doesn't it seem like he should be about 140 years old? He looks fantastic for whatever age he is.

Heh. I actually used to have a 90-lb hyper aggressive german shepherd. One night someone did attempt to break in, and he went psycho-dog to the point that I think he frightened away people in the next county. No one got in, because who wants to deal with that? However, he went equally psycho-dog when girl scouts rang

Sometimes I wonder what happens to kids growing up in a home with parents like this. And then I realize — that's where the next generation of Santorum voters comes from.

I've been waiting for an article on Jez! I saw this family on the Today show, and they were hilarious. The dad sat there attempting to wrestle both kids into submission, never said a word. The mom stated that this was the fifteenth time they'd taken these kids (the youngest being two) on an airplane, and everything

Harry Truman, I believe it was, said that if offered a choice between a Republican and a Republican, voters would choose the Republican every time. I think we've reached that point with the current makeup of the political parties. The Democratic party, as it exists, has taken the place of the former moderate

I saw that in the theater as well, in the U.S. And she still clearly "says" it, if you watch her lips. I never understood why they'd bother to dub the DVD. There may be other differences as well but that was the only one I really noticed.

Is I.P. Freely the first officer in this book?

A good friend of mine, who is one of the smartest and most successful women I've ever known (in her work life, at least), and north of 50, recently got into one of these Facebook/investigation/reveal-all-to-the-other-woman situations. The dude sold her a complete line of BS, leaving out his years in prison, arrests

I have such a hard time getting past the borderline illiteracy in so many of these types of posts:

Since Mean Girls is on SO OFTEN, you can pretty much easily watch it about once a month. I'm not complaining mind you, it holds up to multiple viewings! But thinking about this statement, I think you're exactly right. All of the other actors, every one of them (except possibly Tina Fey, whom I love beyond all reason

I stopped speaking to both my sisters over some pears.

Tuxedos are scientifically proven to be the best of all possible kitties.

I'm going to Italy in the fall and am actually thinking quite a lot about shoes. I hardly ever wear heels, or anything other than flip-flops (lazy southern Californian here). I don't want to be the crass American walking around in ugly running shoes, but I don't want my feet to hurt either. Any recommendation for a

Ha! I was tiresomely (and drunkenly) going on and on about how awesomely smart I was to a friend — I don't even remember the context — and he started laughing and laughing. He said it was because I lived alone, so I never had anyone calling me on my shit. There's something to that, I suspect.

Serious question — is that thing real?

I'm a Swedish fisherman who jumped ship in Seattle and hid until the boat left! If I'm my grandfather I'm definitely more interesting. I'm probably also in some trouble with the INS though.

Me too. Without disagreeing with anyone who's grown impatient, or who believes strongly it should have ended with season five. Or those who want to see what comes next for the actors. Don's disagree! Regardless, I love it and am glad it's still on my teevee.