
Yet ANOTHER donation to Planned Parenthood, in this douchebag's name, coming up. I'm really going to go broke before the month is out.

I sense another donation to Planned Parenthood, in this douchebag's "honor" coming up....

I hear what you're saying, and I don't disagree, but. It seems the consensus of opinion is that the show should have ended as originally intended, at the end of season 5. And that seems right...but then it wouldn't be on my teevee, so you can see my dilemma. Since about midway through the fourth season, I've really

I liked this episode. More than most this season. But, I'm kind of easy to please — a little (VERY little) shirtless Dean and I'm happy. We get so little of it. But what happened to the handprint scar?

In a way, this whole Cat-5-SS has kind of been a win-win. The anti-choice zealots donate a ton of money to SGK — better than a lot of other things they could have done with their money, esp. in an election cycle. A lot of people (myself included) donated money to PP that they wouldn't otherwise have done. People are

I think the vet should perform my dog's ACL surgery for free because he loves animals. Also, the yard guy should come every other week and take care of everything because he finds working with flowers and trees artistically satisfying. I should get paid a buttload, of course.

Just made another donation to PP, this time in "honor" of Cliff Stearns, Florida Congressman, who initiated the investigation leading to (if you even believe one of the reasons SGK Foundation gives) defunding.


Great idea. Doing it myself right now.

On the Today show, they also said that the man who died drowned upside down in his car, because this shitsack didn't report the accident for almost an hour, and his BAC was more than double the limit THEN. I know it's barely February, but I don't see anyone topping this for...man, I don't even know the words.

Kenley's totally making that next week on Project Runway All Stars.

Sign me up for HBO!

I fell off the DOOL train (after being on it since the 5th grade — oh Julie, you were such a piece!) when Marlena jumped out of an airplane (without a parachute or anything, mind) onto a snowy mountain, as I recall, because she was afraid she'd be killed when the plane crashed. It was crashing, you see, so — jumping

agreed, and let me just get this out of the way — I am an olde/get off my lawn. I think most platforms look like stripper shoes, and I don't get it.

Boy, do I wish I have video of the first time one of my nephews had ice cream. He was tiny, and I gave him just a taste of vanilla. First he made this scrunched up "icky" face at the coldness, then it melted and his face turned into a big giant ball of MORE! NOW!

Top slide shortly to appear on Deadspin as unintentional dong.

I have some reservations about Spidey, definitely. Jack McCoy will always be Nick to me!

Isla Fisher as Myrtle? I just checked IMDB and that's not a joke. Yikes.

It's suspiciously well-spelled.

A kid in my neighborhood would run to his still-nursing mom and yell, "titty! titty!" I...thought it was weird and kind of creepy. Thoroughly-socialized product of the early 60's as I am.