
No, only downers.

Re Minority Report, please expand?

I only remember Meg's lips from that movie. They were alarming.

Agreed! I'm sure there isn't enough money to be made, and less all the time — but I'd pay quite a bit for a DVD version of some of my favorite old story arcs. Brad Vernon (#1, of course) on OLTL, the B.J./Maxie heart transplant story on GH. Though, I wonder — if I saw them again now, would it just ruin the memories?

Mapgirl, are you me? Nyquil + wine (white, oddly) is the BEST travel recipe! Although vodka + xanax also good. A little bit more likely to result in death, however. At least, according to my killjoy doctor.

I'm intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Is it too early to call "most annoying christmas ad"? This thing certainly deserves a few votes, but I'm going to go with the Lexus "our theme song is sooooooo recognizable" ads — because it's only mid-November and I already want to kill everyone in both versions I've seen — in front of and behind the camera. I think

Agree wholeheartedly. The world is not your giant ashtray, smokers! There was a movement here in CA recently to treat butts like recyclable bottles and cans — put a surcharge on each cigarette of ten cents or so, which is refundable at a recycling station. If the smoker wants the cash back, he or she can save them up

You have to admit Evil-Leviathan-Doppleganger Sam knows know to wrangle Sam's hair...get him on staff please.

I really hate the Today Show — and yet somehow every morning as I'm getting ready for work I turn it on. Ugh. HOWEVER...this morning was half-awesome, esp. the "Eat This Not That" segment. BW was commenting on how much he loved the "Not That" foods, and kept taking bites from them. He gave Dr. Oz or whoever that

I had the MOST ADORABLE strawberry trick-or-treater last year, barely mobile.... I opened the door, she walked right in, took a piece of candy from the dish then walked out. Her parents were standing right there and started coaching: "What do you say? Say Trick or Treat! What do you say?" She turned around and said,

6. The audience.

I've watched a total of about six minutes of it spread over three eps, and I must have accidentally hit on the absolute worst six minutes, right? Like, last night, some charisma-free boy asking some blank-faced girl if he could "court" her. It can't all be as cringe-inducing as that, surely?

I guess that's kind of my point — I mean, Van Damme? Hilary Swank? At least singers and musicians perform. But unless she's going to do "Belle of Amherst" on stage, what does she bring to the party, except some level of fame? And if that's what you're after, Snooki would be a better choice. It's just weird.

Why Hilary Swank and JCvD though? If you're a brutal dictator/war criminal with millions of dollars to throw away on a birthday party for yourself (but not, apparently, enough millions to scrub the internet of video of you "dancing") — wouldn't you aim a little higher? You know, Jennifer Aniston and The Rock? Oh —

You know, watching this again, I think something's going on with Bobby. I think there's more to his escape than just — he got away. But I am an eternal optimist with regard to this show. (And the Seattle Mariners. It's probably something organically wrong with my brain.)

Also in Seattle I was stopped at the Fremont Bridge while it went up/down, on the downtown side, at the red light on Westlake, which has (or had?) a huge sign saying, NO TURN ON RED. Turning on the red would be pointless anyway, the f'ing bridge is open and all you could conceivably accomplish is moving forward twenty

Serena from the original BSG and Adric on Dr. Who. Esp. shocking since in those days there really weren't spoilers.

But during that decade, billions of garage-to-garage trips occurred. Of course, thousands of them ended in disaster, but it's still a lower percentage than the 31 crashes in however-many-hundreds of thousands of plane trips. I think. Probably am wrong. But, I'm kind of the walking illustration of "humans don't

I wonder if the scary statistic isn't the "miles per crash" you frequently hear — but rather how many millions of cars drive out of their garage each day and end in someone being dead, versus how many airplanes leave their hanger each day and result in someone dead? I'm not a statistics whiz (the only class I ever