
That was Patrick Wilson in the A-Team? Wow, I've seen it at least two or three times and I thought it was Jason Patrick. Not because of the name — it looked like Jason Patrick. Huh.

Perhaps not completely on-topic, but I don't know anyone else I can ask, and I find no internet answers — did Johnny Storm stay dead? (You should do a similar Daily 10 for comic deaths — Adam Strange and Capt. Marvel come to mind. Or, Daily 10 of comic returns-from-the-dead — my personal fave is Iron Fist.)

What I find most terrifying about the Casey Anthony verdict is the likelihood that in 15 years, we'll have to endure reality programming with Jose Baez's children.

I bought the version of R&J with Rickman in a set with other Shakespeare plays, because I wanted the Derek Jacobi Hamlet. It cost an arm and a leg, but when I just checked I see Amazon has it for about $90. Le sigh. But the good news for you is, all the plays are available for streaming: [www.amazon.com]

Aaaaawwww...Luke and Danny. Scrolling through I was thinking to myself, bet he won't include Cage and Fist, but there they are, saving best for last. Wish we'd get that Iron Fist movie we've been hearing about for, oh, a decade.

I think "unflavored" is the conservative choice. Per Ned Flanders, anyway.

Inclusion...I don't think that word means what you think it means. It doesn't mean, sanitize the world so that no one can be offended. It doesn't mean everyone has to conform to the worldview of someone who — completely reasonably — doesn't want to have this particular conversation with their own kids. I think it

I'd love to live in a wireless-free zone, just so that I wouldn't be surrounded by cel-zombies everywhere I go. (Get off my lawn.)

Actual item from the Get Your Lardon food truck: Chicken wings covered in bacon hot sauce, topped with hot sauce covered bacon and served with bacon blue cheese dipping sauce.


Free advice to Lucas: make good movies now, stop messing with the movies you made 30+ years ago! They were of their era and they were awesome. All you're doing is draining the charm out of them.

"This important sonogram legislation ensures that every Texas woman seeking an abortion has all the facts about the life she is carrying and understands the devastating impact of such a life-changing decision."

Every sperm is sacred.

When I was a little kid I allegedly wrote a poem for my dad on his birthday — gave him some little trinket:

She's like the Meg Whitman of the sitcom world. The ads are so relentless and annoying, by the time you have a chance to vote for her...er, watch the show, you HATE her. Just for the ads!

I kind of don't see the point of going outside. I mean, some nice clean vomit might have improved the symphony of stench.

I had a neighbor accuse me of being racist when I asked him to turn down his car stereo, or at least the bass — he'd sit in the car parked in front of the house for an hour with that thing blasting — dishes in my house would rattle. Yes, I'm white and old, he was young and black. But noise DOESN'T HAVE A COLOR. Or, I

Inside voices, people. Inside voices.

He seems to be channeling Roger Taylor.

Off i go to iTunes....