
If I were casting, Stu Redman would be Jensen Ackles. Make it happen, universe!

Well, "ran away", though for a long time we thought the dog had killed her. Still not pleased with my brother about the whole thing.

My brother's cat moved on a few months after a move, due to the arrival of a new (and very cat-aggressive) dog. About a year later she showed up in my brother's old neighborhood, several miles and many busy roads away — mangy, skinny, and with her tail completely broken, it just dragged on the ground behind her, poor

Clare was FABULOUS! But the methheads out back needed to be packed on one of the 1800-Got-Junk trucks and taken to the landfill.

We had a dickhead in my home town like that when I was growing up — Ward Ellsworth I'm talking about YOU.

I've often wished Supernatural was on HBO — all naked and sweary.

If kids are overweight to the point that the school feels the need to send home a note? This is not news to anyone. The kid is WELL AWARE, and no doubt gets it at home already. Shouldn't people in charge of educating children know a little bit more about how to effect positive change? Because anyone with a brain in

Mileage varies, of course, and agreed it didn't used to be all that unusual — one of my grandfathers was one of eleven. But the point is, I think, not AT ONCE, esp. without the extended family assistance those families had.

Caught this, was horrified. Beyond everything else, there's NO WAY that many kids in a household can receive the amount of attention and interaction they need to develop into healthy adults. All she can do is hope to keep a majority of them alive.

Wouldn't real poop be cheaper?

Here in Ventura County CA — home of no weather whatsoever this time of year, just hot, hotter and on fire — we've had three "flash flood advisory" warnings in the last three days. Did someone get the equipment for their birthday? Whenever one of those things comes on, it messes with the Tivo!

Maybe they'll film it in 20 years. That would be cool.

My cat likes to jam her nose in my ear and purr for a little while, then lick it a couple of times, then bite. HARD. Cats are inexplicable.

Oh, she did it. I'm sure the jurors thought so too. But reasonable doubt is a tough standard.

My current cat is named Daffy, kind of because she resembles a cat I had years ago — Bugs. However, I am looking to adopt a young male tabby, almost entirely so I can name him Dean Winchester. I may have a problem.

All of those "audible chewing" KitKat commercials make me rush to change the channel. But currently my least favorite is a commercial for a show at the Emerald Queen Casino (Seattle area) for Carlos Mencia, allegedly a comedian: (imitating a woman) "Do I look fat in this dress?" (responding as himself) "You look fat

I'd love to see "Meltdown" — the Wolverine/Havok miniseries.

Hee! My mom disapproves mightily, to this day, of Bart Simpson. She says he's "rude".

I knew a guy loved his dog so much he saved his hair, had his mom card it and turn it into yarn, out of which she knitted him a hat. Which he was incredibly proud of and wore all the time. Until it got wet.

If there's truly a hotel room crunch, I'll just put it out there: Jensen Ackles is totally invited to stay at my house. The Mrs., eh, not so much.