
When I was 15 and the biggest nerd in three counties, and hanging around an equally nerdy nerd (of the opposite gender) a lot, one day my mom came into the living room where I was watching the old B/W Flash Gordon serials on TV and said, out of nowhere, "Do you think it's time you went on birth control?" Believe me,

You're not acting hard enough!

It makes me want to take a picture-a-day of my ladyparts and mail it to them.

At my company, one employee simultaneously called someone on a landline and butt dialed her supervisor, meaning that the landline conversation was recorded on her supervisor's voice mail. The conversation was almost exclusively bitching about the supervisor. Awkward....

True story — my best girlfriend and I worked together when she was pregnant with my godbaby. Her husband was traveling a LOT in those days, and we had a plan that if she were to go into labor when he was away, I'd go with her. Unfortunately, bebe came about three weeks early — no husband in town. She actually started

and Harry, long ago.

Ms. Thing is pleased her obvious superiority is recognized.

There was once a lively debate about this on Deadspin. I was flabbergasted to discover that MANY men would rather piss in a jar that they keep by the bed, instead of getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Cold floors, waking the partner, turning on lights, etc. I think the discussion was prompted

Certainly. If you're comfortable with your own sexuality, you don't care about the sexuality of other people. But if you're closeted, self-hating, conditioned to be disgusted at a perfectly natural aspect of your nature — then other people, who AREN'T, are deeply threatening. I just assume any homophobe is a

Every year they do this. Fill an hour with...filler, and then rush the winners' speeches. And then, maintain the show is too long, and THAT's the reason ratings have fallen. Ratings have fallen because this show is almost unwatchable. (And Jude Law and RDJ look TERRIBLE.)

My last time asking, on any of the Gawker sites...where are the tags? Are they just gone with abandonment of a "blog" view, even though we have the "classic" view? Am I just too stupid to find them?

What I love best about Jezebel? Cats.

Tags! Where are the tags??!?

This is how anxious I am for the return of Supernatural. I just looked at about ten pictures of Jensen Ackles carrying his lunch leftovers. And I was happy to see them!

@Buggie: Exactly — Jenelle might ACTUALLY do that, take the baby and go squat someplace unsafe, or live in a car, or — most likely — end up with some dirtbag boyfriend. As long as Barbara has custody, that threat is taken away, and she can actually attempt to "lay down the law". Not that it will do any good. And not

Jenelle reminds me of a grown-up version of the creepy little girl on that old ep. of Law & Order who killed the little boy. The inability to relate to other people, the flat effect, the rages — sociopath. The mom (as she's presented, anyway) is pretty awful too. POOR little boy....

Also Fry's hand swap with Robot Devil.

@roboboy4prez: KILLS me this is still not available as a Region 1 DVD. I mean, you can get the Tomorrow People!

@prufrocker: I took a picture of Harlan Ellison and Robert Heinlein standing together at a con in the very, very early 80's, or possibly even the 70's.... I asked if I could, I wasn't a jerk about it, they'd both agreed to come to the thing.... Heinlein looks kind of weary but Ellison looks like he's about to jump

@KitCatCadillac: "We were just trying to have fun" is the most awesomest expression of teen. Also, "We weren't hurting anybody" and "they're just jealous".