
21st birthday. Friday night in December in 1982. Went out drinking with a bunch of folks, including my awesome brother. Much tequila - you know how after enough tequila you can't even taste it anymore and it's like drinking water? Like that. Anyway, at the end of the evening my brother made me come home with him and

My dog used to try to get behind the television and get that [whatever]. He also was very aggressive toward/terrified of the Captain Kirk standup in the basement, and never failed to go CrazyDog at the stuffed bear in the display window at the bookstore down the street. I miss that idiot.

Best use of the concept ever: "Mystery Spot" ep. of Supernatural. "Where's my dang keys?"

@im2fools: Agree. Gender-neutral is one thing (which I'm uncomfortable with, but unable to articulate reasons), but giving a girl a traditionally boy's name grates.

@ChottoCoquette: I almost NEVER see movies in theaters anymore for just this reason. One of the last times I went, the woman behind me had smuggled in a purse-dog, which sat on her lap and sniffed the back of my head all through the movie. When walking out I said to one of the toddler-ushers, did you know a woman

@trevertalbert: Roddy McDowall was very sexy in it, as I recall. What a weird sentence.

@AnnieWilkes: Dying here..... I'll die happy if I can ever use that in context.

Years ago, my very large extended family was sitting around the Christmas dinner table and, as usual, giving my dad a hard time about his hearing, which was terrible...and he was too stubborn to even consider a hearing aid. Finally he got up and went into the adjacent living room to sulk. The rest of us continued

@Badger_Crowley: You know, I've recently been kind of wondering myself — God, Death, Chuck, Gabriel....

@tammygarrison: That 60s? 70s? show UFO did more or less the same thing, and all these years later it's STILL the freakiest thing I ever saw a TV show do. So appropriate Supernatural goes there.

The Today Show makes me stabby.

My mom is 90, and loves me and means well, but before we got home from the airport on her recent visit she had already started in on my weight. I was dreading the visit for this reason. It takes me right back to that "freshman in college" place, and I'm almost 50! I know I'll miss out on some time with her — I mean,

These are official? Because...not subtle.

I had a total loser roommate for a while — he ran up $300 in charges on my phone (this is back when you really only had a single land line in a house — pre-cel), said he "just didn't have the money" (no doubt true — the best job he could get was night janitor at McD). First month he didn't pay rent I changed the locks

@serenada: Oh, how I hope this is so! Somewhat conflicted because I'd like to see JA move on and get more varied (and high profile) work, but OTOH I really don't want this show to end. A lot of people fear the suckage of tacked-on years, but I have confidence in the people making this show...and I suppose I'm easy to

The storefront church is still there, at least it was as of a few months ago, in beautiful downtown El Cajon California. If you find yourself in El Cajon, do yourself a favor and drive by.

@entropymaker: Except...Dean didn't test him, Sam tested himself. Although perhaps Bobby wasn't as quick to sign off on the whole 'see me drink this holy water I just happen to have with me and cut myself with this silver-colored knife' thing back when Sam first appeared.

@minifée: I went through the Canadian border at Blaine a couple of years ago, and the border agent (on the Canadian side) asked me if I had a gun - uh, no. She asked if I had mace or pepper spray — also no. Finally she asked, "what do you use for personal protection?" I responded: "attitude". She laughed and sent us

@palinode: I often think about how awesome this should would have been on HBO — all naked and sweary.