
There have been actually studies on this. In general, employers (both male and female) reward male candidates/employees for negotiating, but they punish women for it. Men who negotiate are seen as strong and confident and adept at establishing their own value. Women who negotiate are seen as greedy, ungrateful

Lynching had more to do with race than with “protecting women”—look at anti-trans bathroom laws, for example. The same people crowing about how they want to “save women and children” don’t seem to give any shits about sexual assault victims. It’s about bullying in (white) women’s names, not about “protecting” women.

Nope, common misconception. The most common type of hand sanitizer doesn’t contain antimicrobials. It just dries out the germs with alcohol, which is not a thing they can develop resistance to.

Your whole post is just wrong...

See also: “Hey baby, wanna suck my dick?” / “Fuck off.” / “Screw you, you’re fat and ugly anyway! And you’re frigid! And probably a lesbian!”

Doesn’t matter what she said on stage. They paid to hear her, not him. That’s the only context that matters.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Prosecutors don’t look for truth, they look for convictions.

I will stop disrespecting horse sports as soon as horse people stop getting hilariously bent out of shape about it. So, hopefully, never.

That’s called “water polo”

So, I guess the readers of Fancy Horse Dancing Monthly got notified of this thread and attacked.

This is so fucking stupid. I’M GLAD YOU CAN SPORTS GOOD, BRO

Basically all women need to do is stand up for themselves or quit the job. I mean they can just fall back on their immense trust fund to help them make it to the next job, am I right?

The butt chin really does detract from what is an attractive face.

OH GOD so we’re having a little bit of a laugh at their expense. Can we retire the word “shaming” yet?

Yes, finally The Americans got some love. I kept watching this past season and being like “I can’t believe they’ve never been nominated!!!” It’s the best drama show on tv IMO. Do you listen to June Thomas’s podcast on slate about The Americans?

I could never abide the fact that she supports Roman Polanski (like so many other people in Hollywood). And she wrote some Op-Ed a few years ago which compared eating meat with rape, which kind of sealed it for me. She’s talented, but ignorant.

Someone decided to publish it. And so? It’s still not about you. Or anyone else. If anything, the flaw is that it’s a rather pointless publishing because who cares what these people have to say to each other? Their intellectual ramblings aren’t terribly worthy of examination.

My reaction is based on personal experience. I went to school with kids who thought that a high IQ and good grades made them smarter than other kids and they behaved like it. (I say they, but I should really include myself. It’s something I’ve spent a lot of time working on as I’ve gotten older because I was lucky

Not hate, but mild contempt. Let’s not oversell it. She’s pretentious. So is Foer. (He is also very overrated.) Pretentious people are annoying.