You think logic and facts would have any effect at this point?
You think logic and facts would have any effect at this point?
Going from a beautiful woman with no booty to a beautiful woman with the greatest of all booties, is the truest and most sincere of all upgrades.
Of COURSE I click on the link labeled hell.....WHY WHY WHY WHY...
Tay Tay will earn my forgiveness when she puts out a fire new album.
I'm team Kanye for life.
I dunno, given that the heat index is going to be somewhere between 105 and 110 tomorrow, I have to say that I really love the idea of a dress that just lightly sits on my shoulders and touches no other part of my body. Some of these are even kind of cute. I said it.
i very much agree that all of brad’s alternate realities all end with him leaving his wife for angelina jolie
I can’t say I’ve ever been a fan of Amber Heard’s, but her come up is strong.
The hair part is better, but his speech was fucking stupid.
How long until an actual riot breaks out? This is one high-strung crowd with a lot of anger issues, and if they weren't white, they would have been tear gassed by now.
Seriously. I am weirdly invested in this not being true.
Katy gets the Olympic spirit.
I’m not sure what’s more pathetic: that Meghan Trainor likes the Cheesecake Factory, or that she’s so stupid to think that she wouldn’t be recognized at one. The Venn diagram of Meghan Trainor fans and people who like the Cheesecake Factory is a single circle.
Kesha Rose Sebert, fully embodying the spirit of her beloved butt-rock, is taking her band the Creepies on tour this…
It almost goes without saying that when you combine money and old dudes and a comic level of ignorance, it’s probably unrealistic to think that these kinds of things are never going to happen.
Marsh Blackburn makes me ragey. She is the one who argued against Obamacare by saying some people don’t want good healthcare and it shouldn’t be forced on them. So OF COURSE she says women don’t want equal pay. If I ever see her or Ann Coulter in person I might slap them.