
Those bastards don’t deserve a penny. Preserve the home of Till’s uncle who stepped out and pointed to the men that killed that child. That is the face of courage. Fuck those people and their family from here to eternity.

It’s fucking Mississippi, they rather have it burning than for anyone to remember anything other than the “great” white south.

Not the real heritage of slavery, oppression and inhumanity, the pretend heritage of chivalry, bravery and southern genteel!!

Maybe the good State of Mississippi could claim eminent domain and preserve this as a monument to the horrific suffering of the Tills and the birth of The Civil Rights Movement?

That’s like an 80% fresh horror movie lived in real life. She made it out!!! Oh my god, girl!!!

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

Same here. 
I’m even annoyed at having to scroll past so many of them.

There’s at least one of these for every one of his tweets. It’s insane. 

I turn down the radio when NPR plays audio clips :/ It ruins my morning to hear his voice. I’ll take a recap instead, Mara and Steve, thanks.

You know who else had their citizenship stripped? Hint: six million of them were killed.

In the same way that I can’t stand Trump’s voice and mannerisms so much that I wait for transcripts, I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t handle reading his tweets and just wait for someone to tell me about the latest stupid shit he spouted. I’ve never hated someone so much in my life.

And the good old days when being gay was not only a sin but a mental disease.

“lived in a more respectful time” = “women were ‘sacred’” = “back in the good ole days where you could slap your wife and grope your secretary without anybody getting all lawyered-up, and the coloreds knew their place”

Oh Mike, we all yearn for a more respectful time, but the problem is I want a time where all people are respected, and you want a time where women and black people weren’t so upity.

Apologies in advance, but whenever Callista Gingrich is mentioned, I am forced to post this picture:

Hey, Pence.

How much does one get paid for these classes? I’d like to travel around conducting one. “You don’t have to worry about the fallout from an ‘incident’ if you DON’T FUCKING KILL UNARMED PEOPLE. Class dismissed.”

Let her collect the $200.  In her special hell everything costs 201$

This is doubly infuriating to me because it’s including “mental health hours,” because as a mental health professional who’s had to interact with police extensively, I can tell you it wouldn’t kill these people to have some fucking self reflection regarding their mental health and secondary trauma and how instead of

She was flanked by 3 officers who did not fire and there was helicopter support. Yet somehow she found this guy threatening from 20 feet away? This ninny never should have been allowed outside of the precinct.