
This is a common strawman argument. The truth is, having actually lived in rural America, there are multiple problems. As companies find cheaper labor in Bangladesh, Thailand, China, and elsewhere, they close down various rural businesses. The residents there, not having made enough money to be considered above

I wonder how Harry Reid feels about opening the door to simple majority cabinet confirmations now....

Is silver the new white? Their insignia looks more like a silver statue with a flag hat thing on, but maybe I just interpret the “art” differently.

Denigrating those different from you may be cathartic but you cease being an informed citizen by stereotyping said voters into groups like that. I’d recommend reading many of the articles at the Guardian and Atlantic as well as Der Spiegel to review exactly what the majority of rural America experienced during the 8

It really becomes the logical conclusion to the reality warp that occurs in political coverage. From the hard sell of the ACA “keep your doctor” statements, to the insanity of today’s policies being enacted with little to no preparation, White House spin and aesthetics are everything.

This isn’t quite as surprising, and I think it has a lot more to do with her policies and ideas than it does her gender, color, etc. People care far more about their kids’ education than they do about more high impact, but esoteric things like defense, energy, and HUD. While each of these departments could cripple a

Too balanced, needs more hyperbole.

This primarily came out of the Vietnam war era when the Democratic party was performing very public protests, and supporting ill-planned travels such as Jane Fonda’s vacation through then-north Vietnam. A great deal of bad blood was generated through various protests and activities. In a lot of ways, military culture