
If you don't win no one should. That's disgustingly awesome.

Lindsey may be 26, but she looks about 45. Part of it is that terrible makeup and dye job but man, she was so beautiful and now she looks so.. I dunno, tired out.

Eh, people hate unions because so many of the big ones are run by corrupt greedy bastards that are no better than the corrupt greedy bastards they're supposed to be representing their members against.

There's other cartoons that appeal to the same demographics as MLP - witness Adventure Time or Regular Show. MLP isn't an anomaly because it's popular with older people, it's that it is a remake of an old show that also fits that bill.

There's a very limited number of people in the world with the right combination of humor, writing skill and connections to do this sort of project - and most of them would rather do original work.

They don't need armor in soccer. Flopping on the field and shrieking in faux pain every time someone bumps into them works just as well.

Guy's soloing a platinum as an adept but he's not using cover and focusing on weapons over biotics.... I'm surprised he even got past round 1.

It's diet soda with extra caffeine and your grandma's B-complex vitamin dissolved in it. All the bonus "mystery" ingredients like taurine and ginseng are at such a low concentration that your body is unaffected by them.

Why is she squeaking so much when she inhales? Is it just a vocal tick, or is that intentional?

Dunno if the Daily Mail is a reliable source or not, but

I didn't realize that an affected lisp was part of the gay stereotype even back in the 30's

If you bang an alien is that like ethically acceptable beastiality?

Because this site is owned by Gawker.

Eh, that's not true. The McDonalds logo has been copied wholesale by Vegan groups and used to criticize the company, but the parody defense has made it permissible.

Michigan's doing pretty well right now. Employment's up, state debt is under control, and the economy is growing slightly faster than the national average. Even the auto companies are turning profits again.

A lot of the members of large labor union leadership in the United States publically espouse socialist policies, giving rise to the fallacy that unions = socialism.

As I've found personally, if you can avoid racking up huge college debt and you land a decent job in any sector, you can quite easily make it on one income.

From the article:

Posting this here cause not seeing it in the comments after someone won bugged me.

Mad Cat's quality has significantly improved in the last 5 years, IMO.