
Finance is filled with as much jargon as MMOs. If you went to a non-gaming finance wonk and said that you were "LFD'ing DS but you kept wiping because the pally tank couldn't hold aggro and the healers kept standing in fire " he'd just look at you like you were having an epileptic seizure. But if you're a WoW player,

I'm a computer RPG veteran and a very noob D&D player, and I find 4E much more accessible. I haven't played 3.5, but 4E is (to me) far easier and more entertaining than the only other type I've tried, which is the first generation AD&D

Hm. Giant Hammer Smash is my general method of dealing with top-hatted gentlemen I encounter already. Guess I'll have to pass on this game - I want a game that doesn't resemble my day job quite so much.

1) Agreed.

I dunno man, that looked like Havok to me. Especially given that Ubisoft <3's Havok.

The linked vid was my first exposure to the band. I used to listen to music that sounded a lot like that in the late 90's though (albeit in English) (and without nyancats).

That's a pretty cool song.

So Watch Dogs must be a working title, because that was clearly Grand Theft Creed: Human Revolution.

Seeing as it modifies save game files, I doubt it will do anything to online.

Final Fantasy XI was the one exception to that rule. Xbox 360, PS3 and PC all on the same shards.

Looks about like that on my PC.

Hey guys, we found ancient porn. We published our findings in an journal called PNAS. No, no, that's P-N-A-S. No, it's pronounced Pee-Naaaahs.

Hmm.. I like cheap characters. I'm not the greatest fighter-game player in the world, and my cheapness doesn't make me leet... but when I'm playing against players of equal skill, I really enjoy it when they rage because I do stupid little things that are annoying if you don't know their counter.

But guys, the next console generation is doomed because of iPads.

MNC isn't a top-down game like the others, but it's still a MOBA. I might be stretching on that one.

Mostly I mean that DotA 2 wasn't created by the guys who created DotA, nor does it have any connections to WC3, which was the original basis for DotA 1. It has neither the mod designers (like LoL) nor the designers of the engine (Blizzard).

DOTA came first but it was originally just a mod for Warcraft 3. The two guys who were most responsible for it (the creator and the guy that administrated the support site) joined Riot and helped develop League of Legends as a full fledged game.

World of Warcraft.

Nope. It originally was, but they switched mid-development.

That's because console ports of first-person shooters are pretty inferior on PCs - because of controller differences. An FPS game has to be designed with mouse/keyboard in mind to really be excellent IMO.