
I once had the audacity to go to sleep after 11pm while I had children who were also asleep after 11pm. One of them (age 4) woke up sometime after 2am and decided it would be fun to play in the sandbox. At the neighbors. 5 houses away. In a warm, but still very moist rainshower.

I also have very large hands - both length and width. I have a naga I got on sale.... I can comfortably use 8 of 12 thumb buttons, but buttons 9-10 are uncomfortable and buttons 11-12 may as well not exist.

Yeah I'm really confused... I thought TERA's whole appeal was Devil May Cry/God of War type action in an MMO... this looked like a wow boss fight with different graphics.

You got the term right.

The article didn't mention it much, but I think that's because it wasn't very obvious to understand how to get into RvR, particularly if you weren't a GW1 player (l wasn't one).

There's no pay-to-win. The closest you'll get out of the cash shop is XP boosts. The pay items are mostly cosmetic and convenience based.

Hm. It seems you and I have a different outlook on what constitutes fun.

I tend to pick a couple reviewers who I feel like are unbiased and ignore the rest. There's a couple of them out there.

So basically he's saying that stand-up becomes art when the jokes consists of humorous bitching about western culture and society ? 'Cause that's pretty much the only thing Hicks and Carlin did that was different than other comics.

Man I've been doing it wrong this whole time. From now on, I'll stop having fun while playing games. Grindy, plotless MMOs, Farmville and 2005 knockoffs of popular FPS games, here I come!

If you click the tagline the feed on the right side changes to all the articles with that tag in chronological order.

I started having connection problems today. Don't log out if you get in.

I really like the content of your posts. You have well-thought-out arguments and salient points and you don't fill them with hyperbole.

I always figured Kirby was the unholy offspring of a menage a trois with King Boo, Yoshi and Jigglypuff.

Haha yeah... I got to ~350 this week and I was thinking I played the game too much. Then I started a match with someone over 2k. I can't help but think that they must have spent a lot of cash on bioware points or something.

Now playing

While it's not music per se, this clip has the sound I hear in my head when I figure out how to do something new when I'm coding (level up), the sound I hear in my head when I complete a minor task (quest complete trumpet fanfare) and the sound I hear in my head when someone comes in late and I've been expecting them

LOL @ You got a "Thiiiiing"

I'm on team Adam Jensen, unless Aragorn counts.

From what I understand from gamasutra and a couple other sites, KOA was released early because they had to do it to secure the RI loans.