
Instead of mortgaging your property, can you just buy extra gold with your PayPal account when you land on Orgrimmar with a Tower?

Fair enough. I sort of geeked out over 38 studios and dug way into them, which is the only reason I know so much about it. Unfortunately, it seems my enthusiasm may have been misplaced.

38 studios is not owned by EA - it just published KoA through them. EA is not signed as the publisher of the MMO. 38 is largely financed right now by some massive taxpayer-backed loans via a Rhode Island state gov't stimulus.

Pretty sure that was "Game selling at some loud obnoxious pitch"

Yep, got it in one. Copernicus is what they're calling the game, but it's just a code-name. I'm fan-boy geeked about it because I love Todd McFarlane, R.A. Salvatore and Curt Schilling, plus it's got the guy that was a lead designer on Morrowind and Oblivion. But after how bland and mediocre Reckoning was I'm kind of

This was exactly my thought - games should die when they're hurting other titles, or taking up space that better games could be exploiting. Bill Watterson > Mort Walker, though it's not a perfect analogy.

Skype? Great. Now get me an app that works with my Google Voice number and maybe I'll start considering this thing more than a game player.

This, multiple times over. Especially during progression while waiting for the directionally challenged noob to find his way back to the last boss.

KoA was basically the Amalur lore pasted onto an existing RPG that Big Huge Games was working on when 38 studios bought them. It's pretty clear the story team from 38 didn't have much time on the game.

I'm pretty sure Kirk is just ignorant of the mythology. Personally I found the Seelie and Unseelie side chains to be the most interesting part of KoA largely because of their take on the mythology.

A hipster is just a lumberjack with an iPad and an affinity for body modification.

FF VII:Advent Children (especially the extended version) bested Mortal Kombat pretty easily in my book. Though it was straight-to-DVD, it was very well done.

It's not like there's a ton of video game movies. Uwe Boll's pathetic attempts left out, there's only been 14 in the last decade with 6 of those being Resident Evil or Tomb Raider. Only 1 of them (Prince of Persia) got better ratings than the abysmally stupid Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Sure, video game plots

You do realize this was in Saudi Arabia right? The Evil Left Wing Freedom Hating Anti-Capitalists could burn your piece of paper and make everything more dangerous than a marshmallow illegal in the US and it wouldn't change anything about this story.

I like how the item they put in the picture to show its scale is a bottle of Bawls.

Simple: There's a half-dozen other MMOs out there. Why waste time and money with one you had a bad experience with? Let the fanboys play it, if it's worth it then we'll hear about it.

This being Kotaku/Gawker, I'll probably get run out on a rail for this, but you've basically just given the best example of Pascal's God-shaped vacuum I've ever read.

I was both agreeing with and disagreeing with you by linking that article. On the one hand, it has some very good things to say about Pitchfork, which I agree with.

I met woman on the internet when I was 18 - we played a lot of the same casual games like YDKJ and Acrophobia. She seemed nice. She was older than me - like mid 30s. We talked a lot, exchanged pictures (she was pretty good looking, even if her clothes seemed a little dated.) Sometimes she would drink while playing and

It's not currently the new thing. If COD would stop releasing a new game every year the COD haters would go away too.