I see the words "Free" and "offered" and "Gracious" but no linkies! Amazon and iTunes want to charge me for it. Did I miss the boat?
Maybe if the North American home internet infrastructure wasn't so crap outside of major cities Canada and the US would look a little different on this chart.
seriously. it's awful in ME3. I'm at N7 rating 600 (with only a few promotions), bought nothing but spectre/premium spectre and the only good weapon I have came from a special weekend pack where it was guaranteed.
I'm going to have to agree with Levine here - story in games is as much (or more) about world-building as it is about narrative or the morality of your character. Unless you're making some sort of interactive movie instead of a game proper, you've got a limited amount of context, backstory development,…
I started playing the day the first day of the AQ event. By the time I was level 60 and starting raids BC was getting ready to come out, so I had [bosskillers.com] or whatever it was to help me out.
Except I remember during ME2 some of the bar conversation seemed to indicate there was something else going on besides "they all look like hot girls".
I already have a PC for GFX. I want nintendo's games.
You got backwards man. The right pronunciation of delicious avacado dip is guac-a-mol-ay. This is guac-a-may-lay.
Judging from the sound of that, he put an actual cordless drill in there to power the drill.
my friend who flies drones in afghanistan says he uses just that yeah.
unfortunately, all the other cosplays are not. There's a couple so-so ones, but most of these are pretty stinky.
I can't see how krogan vanguards can possibly be not cheating. A krogan soldier with the shotgun mod can already 2-shot brutes on bronze with melee. Throw in near-infinite shields with that and it's disgusting
Hey, not bad at all. Thanks for the tip... I think I'll have to dip into that cash I got for selling 1980's punk mags I got at a swap meet.
I really enjoyed FFX-2. Though I don't admit it in public, since the classing system is basically changing the clothes on your e-Barbies. YRP go!
Kinda cool lookin. I'd still rather have that reproduction Masterpiece Megatron but @ $200 I just can't justify it. Especially since I"d actually want to play with it and not just leave it in the package.
Geez, too bad it's so tiny. I just found a pic on google images where someone's actually holding it.
This isn't vintage? Or is it a preproduction.
To be fair, the 29 FPS lock and the fact that the embedded player is defaulting to 360p makes it hard to tell the differences. If you click over to you tube and bump it to 720p you can really see how much they took out for the Xbox version.