
GW2, TERA, and Secret World ALL fail to interest you but you like SWTOR?

You've clearly not been to a frat party involving girls wrestling in a kiddie pool full of KY.

Never done anything illegal myself (maybe some weed a couple times in college but YOU AIN'T GOT NO PROOF!) but I used to hang with a lot of users.

Bioware has dropped a bit in quality since EA started flexing their muscles with them. Or not quality, because they're still putting out polished, shiny, tight games... but they've lost some of their originality... some of that special-ness.

My enormous hands miss the original Xbox's original Duke controller. That the dreamcast controller were the only ones I ever felt like I could use comfortably.

They should make one that really simulates the tactile fishing experience, like where it stabs you in the fingers while you're baiting the hook while talking to your buddy, and gives you friction burns when you're fishing for crappie with a baitcaster and accidentally snag a pissed off channel cat.

My thought is not that "well it's CCP and it's set in the EVE universe so it has to be PC" - I'm coming at it more from the EVE side of things, as in, "it impacts my MMO but I have to buy a console that's nearly at the end of its life to participate in it". I don't know if you've ever played an MMO a little too

Well, in Silverrose's defense, this one does sort of belong on a PC, at least in addition to consoles. I mean, the whole thing is tied into a MMO that's PC exclusive. Its natural fanbase is already a PC gamer, and it's put out with a payment model that's already familiar to PC gamers, but not so much your PS3 gamer.

Given how much an advantage mouse/keyboard is in RTS, FPS and TPS games I wonder how they'd handle that if the Valvebox was designed to be a PC/console hybrid and was designed primarily for a controller?

Except that PC already has that. You can just plug an Xbox 360 controller into your PC.

Hey look, someone who's trying to get people to feel bad about donating to charity because they didn't do it right.

Forgive my ignorance, but does a zero g shooter mean it plays like Descent? To have a AAA modern game that plays like Descent would make me a happy, happy gamer.

Hey, I heard I a lot of people would choose mini golf over regular golf. Kiss your regular golf goodbye, golfers.

Narp. Consoles are low-end, uniform and dull. They're McDonald's. They're Wal-mart. They make your games look bad, they have inferior control schemes, you can't mod them, and they're only popular because they're cheap. Of course devs port PC games to consoles, they'd be stupid not to. They strip their games down, make

Astrix has it down right - modern inks don't do this, but some of the old ones could.

IT's on iTunes.

While I technically play for your team in this argument, I think your line of reasoning about atheists not having a meaning to life is a poor one. Part of "being made in the image and likeness of God" includes the self-awareness that only humans really seem to have. Even someone who's completely rejected the Creator

To start, I will say that I agree with those who say that organized religion can be a bad thing, or rather it is bad when an organized religion becomes a secular political entity. That's been shown time and again throughout history, across many religions. The fact that it happens does nothing to confirm or deny the

The problem with those et al was politics mixed up with religion.

Not sure if you actually looked that up or just cut-and-paste it from somewhere, but that passage is not Jesus telling his disciples to kill unbelievers. It's part of a larger parable Jesus is telling, and the "He" in that passage is a king who represents God, and the whole conversation is taking place at a point