
They should just put the names of third-tier celebrities to indicate difficulty. And list them in random order. Then you can wonder what mode you're playing.


Agree w/Portal. Everything about that game is magical. The gameplay, the characters, the puzzles, the setting, even the graphics.

Supposedly it's fixed and we were playing a months-old version.

If only they'd sucked it up and made a Mass Effect MMO instead of SW.

Eh, I know this is a big can of worms, but I sort of like the pass-protected DLC concept. Rather have 38 studios pick up 20 bucks from a digital download down the road than GameWhatever get 30 bucks by selling it for 5 dollars off. Maybe it comes from being a PC gamer and not a console gamer. Used PC games were never

Problem with TOR is the same problem every MMO I've ever played has: PvP. Or specifically, PvP that is designed as a major endgame content provision.

So is the purpose of Kotaku Core to give columnists on this site a license to write long front-page articles about social issues and then write them again when no one agrees with them? BRB changing my bookmark.

This is the boat I'm in. I don't like the nightmare modes.

It's actually a pretty good MMO too. I'm playing the new content right now at max level and very much enjoying it.

I thought it was funny really. And the product didn't die at all. It got more popular even, since now everyone has heard of it, and it is a good product, especially if you have trouble playing games with a regular controller for one reason or another.

Wait dude you forgot, when you disagree with every professional reviewer that just means EA paid them off.


Same for me. SWTOR is the best MMO leveling experience I've ever had. I have a max level character that I'm finding hard to be interested in developing simply because I want to go back and level again.

Eh forget it, I wrote a big rant but I don't care that much. I agree with you BigManMalone, for the most part.

To me Mario is sort of the mascot of fun, lighthearted, well made games of all types. I that's probably true to most of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s playing video games. He's interesting because of what he represents, not who he is.

I don't get all the hate for DA2 out there, I actually enjoyed the game quite a bit. Sure it wasn't DA1, but I thought it was an 8/10. Merrill was one of my more favored companions because I liked the way she dealt with blood magic and her storyline with her tribe. I'll grant you that they tried a bit too hard on the

The preference for pink or blue certainly isn't innate, but I do think that young girls want girl-things and young boys want boy-things. If they're told pink is girls and blue is boys, then they'll associate girlishness or boyishness with those colors, and desire things that match them.

You're right that it's not treason. But it was a crime. One of the prices you need to expect to pay for civil disobedience is the legal punishment that comes when you defy the law.

Actually, that's sort of the case, except you dont' see the missing dialogue. I played a BH in the beta as dark side and I was flirting with every single NPC I ran into, it felt like. I haven't seen a single flirt option since I hit light 1 in live on essentially the same toon.