Ugh, Vindictus barely even qualifies as an MMO, it's more like a lobby system to play a mediocre God of War.
Ugh, Vindictus barely even qualifies as an MMO, it's more like a lobby system to play a mediocre God of War.
I've not played any 3d top-down fighters except powerstone on the Dreamcast. Is Ehrgeiz good?
Starting to get that way ever since I quit WoW. Of course I'm starting up SWTOR soon so unless that game sucks I'll stop buying more steamsales.
I've dreamed about playing games a lot. Shooters and MMOs mostly. But in my dreams it was always def me playing, not being "in the game".
Yeah did they not actually update the game and just put the new player rosters in the original Blitz or something?
Bioware is just the current company it's cool to hate. Apart from that wacky Sonic DS game, the worst game they've ever released is still a solid B or B+ (DA2). That could always change, but right now they have more faith from me than any company out there except maybe blizzard.
Personal feeling is that Blizzard's team has better storytellers and style, but they are pretty bad at combat-oriented stuff. Blur's combat feels like actual combat. Animation is roughly the same, minus Blizzard's superior directing.
I think that was Grunt. As much as Wrex > Grunt I think Grunt's going to be your ME3 Krogan.
I just recently came to this same conclusion, shortly after realizing that all the good anime I've crammed into the last 18 months of watching has been the product of several decades of actual time.
Feeling the same way about coding, myself. In the last year I've changed careers, from a network admin to a software dev, and I just can't bring myself to touch any of my fun coding projects I've been dabbling with for a few years.
I'm a former Rift player - played at launch, quit, came back for the Hammerknell release and raided for a few months.
Doesn't seem to be too cartoonish-bodied to me, at least in the limited previews I've seen. It reminds me of the Polar Express in the animation.... just this side of the uncanny valley.
Heh, I'd argue that point.... I loved the combat in DA2, and I thought the DA1 combat was kind of lame. What they screwed up was the story and the character development and the world.
Believe me, I'm no Obama supporter. I didn't vote for him in 2008 and I won't vote for him in 2012. I'm not a registered Republican but I've never voted Democrat in my life apart from a couple local elections. Not that it would matter for the GOP primary for me, I live in a too-late-to-matter state.
The faithfulness issue isn't really the issue though. It's the harassment issue. All the kinds of GOP primary voters that would make the faithfulness a big deal are behind Santorum or Romney already anyways.
Yeah I did misinterpret your first post. There's so much anti-weight vitriol out there right now that it's easy to assume you're just another person with normal genes who's got a lot of vitriol for larger people. And believe me, there's a LOT of them out there, particularly on the internet.
This argument infuriates me. I'm 6'7" and I weigh 315 pounds, and my body fat percentage is ~15%, which my doctor tells me is right in the middle of my healthy zone. I already have to deal with everything being built for you tiny people, and you want me to pay extra?
Man I never thought of that, but you're totally right. The one I keep waiting for is that Ford Sync screen in my wife's car. "You can either pay 10 bucks a month for Ford Sync service, or you can have it for *FREE! with special offers.
The minute I found out I could play with dual-wielding pistols I wanted to be a smuggler. I was quite disappointed when the guild I'm rolling with picked empire - at the time the only footage of the BH I knew about was the rocket punching type
UNCF being fine vs. a theoretical White Kids Fund being racist *is* a double standard, and it's pretty much an unjustified one, but you know what? I'm ok with it. While I hate it when minorities use race as an excuse for personal failings, you have to be ignorant or delusional if you think white privilege in the US…