
You’re spot on about the central valley in CA. People don’t realize how conservative CA really is until they leave the “liberal” Bay Area and LA bubbles. Even here in the Bay Area it doesn’t take much to find locations that are hardcore Trump supporters and rednecks. .

Yes you have a fair point. I understand that at least some parents actually try but yeah when it happens there’s not a lot you can do about it.

I feel sorry for anyone traveling with an infant or toddler. Always a handful. At least you did the right thing with toys, snacks and put some effort into it. Sadly most parents don’t care or even attempt to try to stop the crying. 

Now playing

This is the red I want to see. Screaming v10s

Ah yes the “Rice Boys”. No car was complete without 100 pounds of body kit, the fart cannon exhaust and the Big Ass Wing. There were entire web sites dedicated to those showing off how stupid these people were.

Seriously- why didn’t that make the list? So disappointed.

Nah - use an underwater drone. Easier, safer and more stealthy.


You’re spot on about road cyclists here in the Bay Area. Total jerks. MTB riders are generally a LOT more responsible, polite and laid back. I’ve seen them block lanes for no reason, when they could just move over slightly to let traffic through. Here in SF they love blasting through stop lights and stop signs and

The F40 is by far the ugliest of the Ferraris. Fugly. The Enzo is okay looking but has some nice elements to it.

I would like to see requiring factories built here that would provide both jobs and also cars for the local market. As you mentioned, a majority ownership is needed but otherwise why not? 

Yup! There are hundreds, if not thousands of small companies producing individual parts for cars that you’ve never heard of, but they provide a lot of local jobs. This came up about the Nummi plant in Fremont, CA when the local union workers were going on strike. People didn’t realize that all of those parts came from

I thought it was the insurance industry that pushed for it to be included in cars, but I’m probably wrong. I hated those things. Always got caught in them and you ended up putting on a lap belt anyway, so what was the point?

I remember when everyone laughed at Honda, Yugo, Hyundai and Kia. They filled an important need - cheap cars that people could easily fix or repair and also sipped gas. Frankly I would love to see more of the Chinese cars because they’re clearly better anything the Big 3 are pumping out, as already shown in Europe.

Take your damn star!

Every flight has a manifest of passengers, seat assignments and also any needs like special meals, etc. I’ve seen crew members double checking the number of people on the flight and butts in seats. If something doesn’t add up then they ask questions.

THIS! We had a Mazda B2000 pickup truck. It was a small no frills crap wagon, but it was a workhorse for us. Loved it. Those would sell like hotcakes.

So much for Ford’s “Quality Is Job 1" slogan. More like “Kuality”.

I remember back in the day (pre OSX days - the late 80's-early 90's) that Macs were constantly getting hammered with viruses on a regular basis. Then it gradually shifted over to Windows when it started taking over.