
I remember when getting AIDS was a guaranteed death sentence. We had 3 major outbreaks during undergrad - gonorrhea, chlamydia, and then AIDS. We had a lot more sexual safety awareness as a result, and even the school doctors would give us info and encourage us to report anything.

Prime Video sucks - nothing special there. You’re correct that their UI just SUCKS. I only use Prime for shipping, Whole Paycheck discounts and that’s pretty much it.

Nice! Having a customer service background is great - I started out in technical support and moved into software engineering later. Learned a LOT from those experiences - especially people management. I also got to work in various labs and learn about consumables and supply chain operations. Cool stuff. 

Everyone is different - some people prefer the interaction, while others are perfectly happy being alone at home. One size doesn’t fit all.

I still have my blue Razr. Also had a Nokia 3310. Loved those phones and still have the Razr.

Another squid making all other motorcycle riders look bad. I see similar behavior here in the Bay Area. All it takes is one move from a car, hitting a wet patch, etc. and it’s game over.

San Francisco is pretty bad - the police don’t enforce anything and everyone knows it. People breeze through red lights and stop signs all the time.


You should!

Nostalgia lane here! What about those old-fashioned lawn darts that didn’t have the “safe” points at the end? Good times....

A colleague had an 850CSi coupe - great car but it was a maintenance nightmare. It had 2 of everything which cost $$$



Yeah old news - this has been a thing for years. You’re probably spot on that someone in Congress was impacted by this and decided to selectively enforce this.

We have a similar thing here in the Bay Area - people living on boats for the same reason.

Now playing

I feel similarly to you. I grew up with the original Tron, which was awesome for the day. Tron 2 was a complete letdown. Tron 3 isn’t really needed - there was a fan video many years ago that would probably be better than the real Tron 3:

I recently did some international travel from Asia to the US, and no forms needed on either end. I almost always expect a form for the US, but this time it was literally 10 seconds - walked up, handed over my passport, was asked what I had, and then I was gone.

Yeah - there are a lot of great small cars outside of the US that I wish they sold here, as those would be selling like hotcakes. Every car here is just ridiculously oversized for no reason. I miss those 80's-90's small crapwagons that were great for mileage, cheap, and relatively reliable.