
I lived briefly in Illinois - went to UI. I got a good laugh out of that sign along I90/95 on the Indiana side of the border saying “FIREWORKS WAREHOUSE - NEXT RIGHT” with a ton of Illinois cars returning from there. Police didn’t care at all - I was surprised they weren’t tracking license plates and just pulling

Sure, but not in the US anyway.

Jim Farley is another clueless CEO who clearly doesn’t understand the market. Forget “profitable” EV cars - that won’t happen anytime soon. We actually *WANT* small cars that sip fuel and get good mileage. They would sell a ton of them, but of course the markups on SUVs and trucks are higher.

Any rest stop along I-5 in CA. They’re disgusting, constantly closed for no good reason, and are poorly maintained.


That was the winner for sure. OMG.

Yup! Terrible 3's as well.

I can only imagine how much more efficient this makes things. Easier for everyone and less people going back and forth to a courthouse, especially for smaller matters like traffic court.

They were definitely holding their composure - you could literally see a small smile on the guy on the right. 

Sad but true - the judge likely sees this so often that he just shakes his head and just moves along. Business as usual.

Agreed - definitely an Oscar level performance for holding his composure. if I was the judge, I would probably lose it.

The look on the judge’s face said everything, along with the long WTF pause. OMG do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

1) People walking into the bathroom barefoot
2) People using bare feet to touch screens and walls
3) Blood on the toilet
4) People with bad odor who need a bath (also women who wear makeup that sticks worse than a skunk)

I did some searching and asking around, and I had the wrong agency and type of plant. Thanks.

The more I’m reading that, maybe - I could’ve mentioned the wrong agency there.

There’s a real reason why they’re armed - there was an incident years ago in the SF east bay where FDA inspectors were going to a company and effectively shut it down. One of the executives came out with a shotgun and killed 3 of 4 on the spot, and the 4th barely got away. They’ve been armed ever since.

Obligatory meme for the Lambo:

That’s his style - not for everyone.

Now playing

The Juicero was a piece of hot overengineered garbage. AVE’s teardown gives a great overview of how F’d up it really was.