
I remember watching this - hysterical! I miss that show.

I never had to parallel park for my test way back when.

You can get some great cheese in a can, courtesy of Washington State University. Their Viking cheese is especially good.

Jason - nothing wrong with your hair.

Booking spa treatments, etc. are easy when you’re in port because everyone pretty much bails from the ship. Sometimes they will give a discount just to get people up there.

I have a passport - that’s all the ID that I need.

Even worse - you can’t just go to AAA if you’re a member either. Not CA - we have to do things ass backwards.

I just looked here around SF just for kicks. May 19th was the earliest too. Go figure.

Just use a passport. Done. California’s roll out of RealID’s have been a total clusterfuck.

I had a friend who was very drunk and crashed badly over an embankment, complete with a couple of barrel rolls for good measure. The police said the only reason he lived was because his body was so limp.

Me + wine = a pairing

I would’ve thrown his worthless ass out of the damn plane at 35000 feet.

Yes - this is important. I chose a local YMCA because I can go there on the way home easily (literally blocks down the road), and also close enough where I could go without having to feel like I have to go out of my way. I knew of some “better” gyms but the distance was too much.

The joke was the team was called “Bank of Toyota”. They spent more than Ferrari and got nothing for it while good old Minardi did better than then with their $50 million budget.

Agreed - the key word is “reasonable”. My wife is vegetarian, and when we visit my family it’s largely meat and potatoes that’s served. She brings her food and we have no problems. I’ve made accommodations for people provided it doesn’t require significant work for me.

Yes - definitely Dubai, which has some incredible options there.

Yeah - I would bring masks and plenty of soap and hand sanitizer.