
I was in Wuhan when this started to break out. Yeah, the markets where it started are quite common in Asia. Hygiene is an afterthought in places too, which makes it all more easier to get around. Now include travel for Chinese New Year and it really gets interesting.

From my experience, most of the Windows 7 drivers I’ve tried have played nice in Windows 10. However, I’ve run into some that really didn’t like Windows 10. It depends on the specific drivers and the device themselves. I’ve been using a couple of Windows 7 drivers on my Windows 10 system and so far (fingers crossed)

At SFO they are related. There are requirements for minimum distance between parallel runways for landing/takeoff. SFO is very low. This is a discussion with more information:

I use wine. Works great for many dishes, and the butter helps the flavor of the reduced sauce.

Yes - some airports like my beloved SFO is notorious for weather delays because the runways are too close together. O’Hare is a complete mess between weather and dealing with running from end of one concourse to another (which for some reason my flights were always like that).

Pastor Maldonado would be a great artist given his experience in F1.

I’ve seen way too much of this over the years. Often between engineers and pointy haired managers. At one place it was downright comical to read, and we even created our own email channel containing all of these. I was so glad that we never had to expose it in court - that would’ve been the end of a lot of careers!

Take your damn star!

I’ve had many interviews where individuals were flat out rude, unprofessional or were just being jerks. I just cut the interview short and tell them that this job isn’t a good fit and bail right there. I also put these places on a “shit list” that I always refer back to.

I would’ve run away. Giving away your logins would violate your terms of service agreement with all of your social accounts in the first place, and it’s unethical for them to even ask.

Win 3.11? That’s a low bar....

I was recently on vacation and did two things when I got back:
1) Select all -> Mark As Read
2) Walk around to coworkers and asked them directly if there was anything that needed my immediate attention

So true about Toyota - they even joked the team name was “Bank of Toyota” because they blew through so much money for so little, while that little Minardi team only had $50 million and managed to do better points wise.

Hell no! My dad had a rental car for work one time, a brand new Crysler LeBaron with only 3K miles on it. We noticed a strange smell coming from the engine. First thing we checked was the oil - THERE WAS NO OIL IN THE CAR!

Spot on - as the old saying goes, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and each time expecting a different result”

Yes - connections are a real pain. When I fly to China to visit the inlaws, we now fly a direct route from SFO instead of previously doing the 2-step through Hong Kong. Cathay Pacific is a great airline, but a direct flight beats a connection and also saves 12 hours of round trip travel time which is worth it in the

As much as I genuinely loved my old Razr, there’s no way in hell I’m spending $1500 on this crap.

They scan your Clipper Card, which will show that you got off at the SFO BART station.

OAK and SJC have been giving SFO a lot of competition, especially with international flights. There are more direct flights from those two in recent years from a lot more demand and both airports have made significant improvements.

Dulles - fuck that place with a hot poker stick. Whenever I fly to the DC area, it’s BWI or bust. Cheaper flights and better connections. Dulles is a complete shithole that is continuously under construction or otherwise being torn apart for no apparent reason.