
SFO being up there isn’t a surprise. Their long term parking has significantly increased the past couple of years, and they charge a lot of money for coffee or anything else in the terminal. They have extra surcharges for BART rides to the airport, which has driven down ridership so badly that they’re including

It’s a moral imperative!

Take your damn star!

I had AA mark me as a no show on a flight once when I was actually on it. When I checked in for the return flight they told me it was cancelled but showed them my ticket stub that I did get on the plane they fixed it. Turned out that they didn’t properly check me in at the origin.

Yeah - I was thinking that too. The OU player was clearly blocked into the ball.

I remember when they were a great airline to fly. Now they’re nothing more than a glorified bus with wings.

Make a list and stick to it!

DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!

No love for Tyrian? WTF?????

This is just comical.

COTD! Came here for this!

My bank provides an ATM card with free money conversion, so I don’t pay for any fees. I just withdraw from an ATM to get local money, no fees. This depends on your bank/account so it’s worth checking into this. It’s much cheaper than a credit card and especially useful in places where cash is king.

San Francisco:
1) Koret Playground in GGP
2) West Sunset Playground
3) Julius Kahn Playground, Presidio

If you’re willing to create a genuine email that isn’t a copy/paste template, then by all means go for it. You have nothing to lose. Otherwise don’t bother. The vast majority of the thank you notes were so bland and generic that they were along the lines of “why bother?”.

Nope! Most airports in the US are complete garbage compared to the nice ones in Asia.

A lot of knife sets tend to be cheaper quality, but if you can afford a good set of Henckels on sale, then go for it. I bought a set 25 years ago and they’re still going strong.

Yes - it really is real, and from 2008! This was an ad meant for the Greek market, where the age of consent is only 15.

Naturally, people weren’t pleased with it...