
There is a town in Oregon called “Oregon City” as well as the town “Dallas” AND the town of “The Dalles” (yes, a wacky place name that specifically and officially includes the word “The” in their place name).

They don't need evidence; all they need is fear.

For such “straight and narrow” god fearin’ Christian guys his type seem awfully obsessed with other guys asses.

Sad but true too: as a far lefty trucker (yes I’m an anomaly) from Portland, OR the rural Oregon conservative nutjob-ery is not nearly as wacky as Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas or any of those Marlboro Man wannabe Oil worshipping areas.

Because... The Lawd wants the brainless sheep that breed fast enough to be used as cannon fodder in a vast Christian army. People that think for themselves question edicts and orders from Crusading middlemen and just generally don’t spend all their spare time breeding like rabbits.

Perfect excuse to focus all our technological efforts on a fully functional Star Trek grade holodeck.

Hey, she was able to provide a functional sketch by herself after being attacked.

If anyone think HE should be shot remember:


This is the desired Dickinsonian outcome in our “conservative” culture: those who are rich are good, those who are poor need to die and make room for the rich.

Not to say there should be a complete... hands off policy... in dealing with children exploring their budding sexuality but the problem is that basically, to prevent children from sexually experimenting you’d have to seal each child in a glass jar until 18.

My earliest ideas about “sex” weren’t so much about the act itself but the motivations leading up to it.

Went looking in fridge for leftovers; found this.

Perhaps you are thinking of the F-117A, AKA “the wobbly goblin”.

Or a drone that can fire a sniper quality shot with similar ammo instead of giant explosives creating collateral damage.

Now playing

It was a horrible public disservice to not have Ride of the Valkyries playing in the background while beavers are parachuting to their land of conquest.

I am too far more lefty than she is but in this polarized political climate perhaps the ability to do what she demonstrated here is the single most important political skill that will matter until all of these old white farts die off.

The dog in this picture looks held in happy anticipation of a whole bunch of yummy treats about to come his way.

For me one of the aspects is the lack of auditory filtering.

That’s ok. Once they have got my full and undivided attention I skewer them on their own lack of intellect.