Are we sure this will be enough?
Are we sure this will be enough?
it’s amazing what money can buy.
This is EXACTLY what they mean by "small government": it takes regulations to force bigots not to be bigots.
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Wife and I use this unfortunate dynamic intentionally to achieve results we are looking for from others.
"fuck everything"
This bill's wording kinda seems like more government. In their Christian induced blindness all the religious based words apply only to Christian centric activities; it makes no concessions for other faiths not Christian.
I expect that not being the top predator in an area is a major factor for having your priorities in check.
Yes, but will it be able to figure out how to fly out of the half open part of a half open window or will it just bang up against the glass all day?
Philip Morris says cigarettes don't cause cancer, they prevent it.
I trust FOX "news" to tell the truth in the same way I trust Philip Morris to admit they were selling a lethal product or the coal, oil and gas industries to admit they actually are responsible for global warming.
This sex thing is eventually going to have to be as demystified and de-taboo'ed as going to the bathroom or picking your nose.
It's like a Hitchcock horror movie: the scene is so much more damning/horrifying when the actions are left up to the imagination of the viewer.
"There's no serenity like the serenity that comes from knowing that you can kick every ass in the room. "
Normally rather stoic (how many of us nerds wanted to be Vulcan growing up) I found myself tearing up randomly throughout the day after hearing this news.
It does seem that there is some conflicting profit motive in that Texas recommends that the alternative to Mexican beaches would be Texan beaches.
And then it instantly loses its appeal as everyone is reminded of the "nude beach problem": quality control.
Where's our statistical data on the "experimented in college" bisexuals?