
Even though he’s huge, Terry is just too warm and cuddly to be scary. I’m sure the perps he chases down feel differently, of course.

(And because Boyle lives in a magical world where Terry yelling at him the way he does doesn’t scare him, Terry only gets angrier until the guys decided to bail on the scavenger hunt.)

Mike and Phil drove 800 miles to get to the spot of the heat signature. If the gas-mask-clad people are on foot, then they won’t be reaching the main characters any time soon.

Gail admitting her past (and probably current) love for coke just makes so much sense for her.

I found it hard to believe that Mike, a scientist, wouldn’t think that maybe the heat source was underground.

I have a problem with Terry saying he wants some steak and whiskey, but then when they are at the restaurant Terry is drinking wine.

Seems all these event call-backs to classic Simpsons episodes rely on the show’s first decade for inspiration. Hmm.

Better than the last few episodes, I guess. At least Cletus telling his kids that they’d be watching the characters from Cars commit suicide was a nicely fucked-up joke.

I like Bob’s Burgers, but for some reason I don’t watch it very often, except for the occasional rerun on CN. I used to think I was alone in my dislike of Family Guy, but over the years I’ve found a couple of kindred spirits.

Am I alone in my dislike of Bob’s Burgers? It’s so bland. And I mention that show here, simply because the reviewer did.

The show’s version of New Orleans really did look terrific. Their Armstrong didn’t have quite the gruff lovable quality of the real Armstrong but that’s a tough voice to nail.

“Hey, remember how we’re gonna become the longest-running scripted primetime TV series ever next week? Let’s make that half the focus of this episode. And for the other half...”

How do they not realize how much better this was than the horn sketch? Unless they just didn’t want two musical sketches in the same show?

Robert deNiro sucked because Robert deNiro SUCKS and has always sucked. he is a movie star and a legend, sure, but he isn’t an actor. He is, at best, a character actor, in the most derogatory sense of that word. Get him to play a New Yorker, wind him up and watch him go. Anything else? Not a chance. Character actor.

When all of women in this administration are ditzy talking head blondes it’s kinda tough to differentiate. Playing them all the same is a joke in itself.

They cut a Jack White solo? DaFuq?

I honestly have no idea how they managed to butcher that show so badly (okay, I mean I do, but don’t have time right here to discuss how God awful it was). He’s legitimately hilarious and clearly a good writer, I feel like they put it through a focus group on repeat for like 90 times until the only humor that remained

That was an A for me. Mulvaney did everything he needed to do. The only bit that didn’t work for me was the LaVar Ball stuff.

“When was the last time someone smiled as you walked into a room? I can’t imagine anyone deriving joy from seeing such an overprivileged husk of a shallow human being. OKURRR!

This John Mulaney is a funny guy. I think he could have a nice show on network tv. Maybe it’s about his character trying to make it in the stand up comedy world. He could do a quick act at the beginning and end of each episode. He has a few close friends only one of which can be a female and one is a rather eccentric