
“I’m not even bragging, I’m actually truly surprised, I certainly don’t remember paying my contractors enough to get well-built.” -DJT 

That was my assumption: document destruction

40 people died in the wildfires, and the wildfires led to mudslides which killed another 20 people. Both of them destroyed hundreds of homes, it’s just that none of them were Donald Trump’s home so he didn’t care.

That was mostly nature. Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about nature. Real estate on the other hand

Hard to believe these two are members of the same species.

Surprised Cheetoh Brain didn’t charge the firefighters for access to the building.

The wooshing sound you hear is not a backdraft.

no, Eric would wear socks under the sandals....ugh

THIS year.

Here is exclusive footage of Eric Trump delivering that insurance check.

Reports of one dead. Four fightermen/women injured. I’m sure Trump will handle this tragedy at his phallus with all of the class and dignity we’ve come to expect from our Commander-in-Chief.

I like buildings that don’t catch on fire.

Real shame about those Canadian kids! But anyway, back to me!

Too many letters.

Too many syllables.

Only the second fire this year!

The first rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask questions.

Unconfirmed reports is the flaming debris consisted of campaign documents requested by the special council.