
Jaws is a bad book but one of the greatest movies of all time, if anyone could turn a bad book into a good movie it’s Spielberg.

I know exactly why people do it, but the fact remains that just because people have pre-hated on movies that turned out to be bad in the past, doesn’t mean it’s justified in the future. People also shat on The LEGO Movie, assuming it was going to be a dumb toy commercial.

RPO and Who Framed Roger Rabbit use pop culture in completely different ways. The latter uses the cartoons as a metaphor for segregation in the 30's and 40's. The former is referenceing pop culture for a bare bones treasure hunt plot about an asshole that stalks a woman into liking her.

I HATE Entertainment Tonight!

It’s nerdface. They dress up like nerds, and co-opt the language of nerds in order to make non-nerds laugh at nerds.

i mean the book has been out for ages, and thats why people are shitting on it. same happened before the twilight or 50 shades movies came out, and we all know how those turned out.

That’s where I see it. “Aren’t nerds socially awkward and weird?!?” is, like, 90% of the humor of TBBT.

It’s not even the worst Indiana Jones movie!

I’m thinking the perfect time for this movie to come out would have been right around Season 1 of The O.C., back when Adam Brody made being a nerd look cute and funny and attractive. Obviously the book came out 8 years later, but that’s splitting hairs.

Ah! Pure nostalgia! Pump it into my veins!

TBBT just rubs me the wrong way in its broad generalization and often extreme representation of it’s characters as a major part of the punchline, rather than it’s clever writing.

For me, Futurama is a high point of it’s treatment of nerd culture, whereas The Big Bang Theory would be the low point. I think Harmon is somewhere inbetween.

This movie’s failure won’t end THAT.

McGregor could play the villain.

I can remember the four notes that passed for the rousing chorus, and his little falsetto that I swear I’ve heard 10 R&B artist use before in the 90's.

It was even worse than Die Another Day by Madonna, at least that had a peppy beat and might work as an instrumental. This one would just sound like outtakes from Howard Shore’s Lord of the Rings score, and not the good stuff...

It was sung by that little prick who sings like Michael Bolton but looks like Phil Collins.

Having the climatic movie in this arc be accompanied by a limp, warbling, “Michael McDonald on Nyquil” White-Soul ballad sung by a guy who didn’t even know that his big hit was a ripoff of “I Won’t Back Down” from Tom Petty’s legendary solo album, “Full Moon Fever”?

Of course, that decision was a no-brainer. Money in

I honestly don’t know. I sorta remember the opening sequence, but the rest is just a misguided, bloated bore.

I was shocked how bad Spectre turned out. That had the potential to be great, we finally get the return of Bond’s greatest nemesis, and they pretty much ruined it. On top of all that, the song sucked too.