
It’s easier to picture the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

Imagine if the AV Club came up with its own content.

This is my absolute least favorite type of take, the one where someone notices that A Thing is popular and is scrambling to be the first one to realize how it’s problematic and so they write a hot take that makes no point at all. I’m getting worked up about it.

Boy, I say Boy, you need a little Ewok scene here.

Maybe not Jar Jar.

Easier to just do a take that way. It’s all digital now so you aren’t wasting film stock and Grandpa George can feel included. Plus properly reined in Lucas can be an entertaining film maker. The main problem with the prequels was there was nobody around with the power to rein him in.

Does that mean we’re beyond peak shark-jumping?

Would you say... it’s a new hope?

I still hold out that this studio film, made by a studio director after the sacking of another studio director, is somewhat redeemed by the fact that said studio director is friends with the not-so-great director, and is able to bring in some vision that is akin to the original Star Wars.

It’s not a big hope, but it’s

Who needs dystopian fiction when we’ve got the United States in 2018? Our politicians work for corporations, millions of people live in urban poverty in the richest nation on Earth as their wealthy suburban neighbors kill themselves with obesity and drugs, social programs are gutted while the Pentagon’s forever war

I have a theory people LIKE the idea of a horrible future. If the future seems too wonderful maybe we tend to get depressed or angry because we’ll be dead long before then. It’s like hearing about the most awesome party ever on a night you had to work or watch the kids.

I am annoyed by this as well. In fact, so much that I have reached the paramount of my irritation. So I guess you could say that

We have reached peak dystopia.

“Peak” has “jumped the shark”. So has “jumped the shark”.

No, but we are at peak use of the word “peak”.

I can’t do anything uninterrupted for that length of time; I get restless and want to do something else. It’s why I hate the trend of three-hour movies.

It’s set in Boston, Massachusetts.

Arrested Development. Taped to VHS from late night telly. Great for coming down off all the googs and jason I was smashing.

If a “binge” is defined as doing nothing but watching the same show for hours and hours, I’ve never done it.