
I can’t help it if other commenters here want to leave dumb comments

Uh, pretty sure the point was to make a joke about the AV club. A very very standard joke around these parts. Chill.

oh the lengths people will go to avoid having a face-to-face conversation with a human

Kind of sad to see this shut down. I think its biggest problem was that it just couldn’t recover from that initial disappointment. Having the first Nintendo mobile game not really be a game hit hard, especially whenever it involved one of their less popular IPs. I don’t even think the mass amounts of people who got

This show kickflipped over a shark in its first 5 minutes and hasn’t broken its SICK COMBO since.

Well poke out my right eye and call me Columbo! Someone from a late night talk show made fun of Trump? Seth Meyers breaking new ground by have the testicular fortitude to take on the commander-in-chief with japes, jokes, and maybe even a monkeyshine or two?

What irks me the most about the “Shutdown Follies of 2018" is that Schumer and the Democrats are getting raked over the coals for saving health insurance for millions of children (CHIP, which is now funded for six years), instead of immediately fixing DACA (which affects only about a tenth as many people).

A brief history of viral videos:

2000 is way too late a date to go for if you’re going to try and make that gatekeepy argument about internet culture. Yes, your larger point stands, as social media and the easy video sharing provided by YouTube have dramatically altered the landscape, but the internet of 2000 was not just a place for nerds to

Keep in mind in 2000 the internet itself was still mainly something nerds did. Pre-Facebook, MySpace, or YouTube, blowing up on the internet meant being passed around emails and bulletin boards. It was definitely an internet phenomenon, but internet was a much more limited medium back then.

Oh honey...

I’m not so sure about that one. How easy was that to find? I know it circulated among industry folks on VHS tapes, but the first time I can remember seeing even part of it was when they repurposed it for that episode where the kids try to make their own animated short.

I think All Your Base Belong to Us pre-dates both, that’s probably my first memory of a “viral” video.

Easy: folks voted for someone to care about the oxy addicts and their health care but were too dumbed the fuck down by a system that wanted them to believe that they’re special and will luck out and really it’s “those” people who are dragging them all down... even though to the wealthy white folks up the top they are

Fey has always used food as a comedy vice/comfort more than alcohol. Her exasperatedly shoving cake into her mouth was the same thing as Chastain chugging vino.

I was noting that the commentary around the time was that Fey could be exhausted by the protests because she was a white woman

I agree - I have friends and acquaintances who have had issues with pot addiction. But, having also known people with addictions to more serious substances, I have a hard time grouping them together - pot addiction requires some internal work, but you’ll be fine. Meth and heroin... that’s a long and scary road.

I learned the word moot from the Rick Springfield song Jessie’s Girl.

Lorne Michaels criticized for having too much humanity is got to be an Internet first. 

you could’ve replaced “basement party” with “strip club” and it still works