
I take it this means he’s given up on making his kids famous.

Coincidentally, the Simpsons has been in decline so long it is now approximately as funny as someone with iMovie.

POGs have always been relevant. In POG form.  

I’m gonna haul ass to Lollapalooza! 

If Paramount wants to start making Star Trek again, they might have standing, but it’s hard to argue that this is stealing some audience away from them. It would be like arguing you can’t have a movie about rebels battling an empire in space because of Star Wars. Paramount moved Trek in a different direction, and this


That’s been the biggest example of Seth’s restraint - no singing from him (yet!)

Wait, no, can see. I can see this comment building a UFO in its garage

Was coming here to post this.

In Space, No One Can Hear You SIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!

We also tend to forget that pretty much every incarnation of the Star Trek, including TOS, had rough first seasons.

It surprised me a bit, although that was a loooooow bar considering I initially watched the first episode expecting a colossal train wreck. It’s still too much of a MacFarlane show to be a really good series, but the better episodes cover that up well enough and it’s nowhere near the atrocity I imagined “Seth

You’re either thinking of the movie Sausage Party or the 2016 election

Just give us a frigging musical already.

He wakes up from the coma in 98 and immediately high tails it to Ozzfest to catch Limp Bizkit.

I thought the piano one was quite clever and enjoyable. Practically a master class in prosody and anacrusis.

I was thinking the same thing. Every last one of those videos was the old woman who painted over that Jesus fresco.

So people took something that was perfect and made it unbearable?

Recently as in last spring when these dank memes were still cool. I kid, nothing will ever be relevant again