
Fuck the Feds, they couldn’t even stop Mulder from finding out their conspiracy and he’s a dope.

The real problem with that poster is the apostrophe in “it’s”.

Yeah but that state is full of hippy democrats. The DOJ could be used to make legal pot a huge pain in the ass for everyone involved and cripple the tax income of the states that legalized it.

The douchiness of rich people knows no borders.

It’s kind of hilarious how the anti-legal weed people always use the argument that the weed shops are a huge target for robberies and crime because they have so much cash in hand, while simultaneously forcing them to deal in all cash by making banks/credit card use tantamount to money laundering. And by hilarious, I

It’s all about erasing Obama’s legacy, and punishing those who got him elected.

Pot shops already don’t use banks because they are federally backed and since it’s still illegal federally, they cannot take the money.

Whatever you do, don’t look in my Altoids box.

Whoever had this in our “what’s the stupidest fight you could pick?” pool, please come down and collect your winnings.

Between this and concealed carry reciprocity I’m beginning to think that they weren’t totally sincere about states’ rights and a small federal government.

“this will make Californians angry!” will probably be Fox News’ spin on it.

And those “moocher” Blue states, which are already paying a significantly higher amount of taxes than Red states, are set to get fucked over even further with the new tax bill.

STATES RIGHTS! joins “disrespecting the sanctity of the presidency” and anything to do with sex as things that conservatives need to shut their hypocritical fucking mouths about from now until forever.

He’s thinking about the daily sloppy blowjob he has to give Trump for letting him do this shit.



Username checks out.

He had an affair with Mulder’s mother, he’s Mulder’s biological father, not the father that raised him.

Yeah I’m pretty sure Chris Carter has sharks laying in a row right now to try and see how many he can clear at once.

I still believe they’re preparing a spin off.....

The problem with X-files is it should have wrapped up in season six or at a push 7 then went purely to the occasional films ever 2-3 years. They didn’t go down that road.