
Which physician specifically? Dr. Dre?

It’s weird how they want to complain that they need the NFL to stay in business. Chicken wings are just food. A good advertising agency could come up with a million excuses for people to buy more chicken wings.

Hey check out Mario Bartali commenting here now that he’s out of a job!

You’re not too far away from the thinking process of alt-righters, MRAs, and other bitter, weak, ineffectual losers who can’t accept and therefore will never be able to correct their own failings.

Because Donald Trump told them to be angry over it.

Well, Amber always was kind of a jerk.

Maybe they should be wondering aloud why it’s ok for the police to murder people in the streets with no consequences typically.

I enjoy chicken wings but I really can’t bring myself to feel that bad for people who treat animals terribly to produce shitty food that’s not good for anyone.

“unhinged calls from chicken farmers”?

Exactly wings easily beat chicken nuggets

I honestly do believe that wing consumption is down overall due to shrinking NFL viewership, but I think this supplier has the causes completely wrong. I used to park on the couch every Sunday, but I can barely make myself watch a game nowadays. The reasons: the game is more boring than ever, all the good players are

If this is someone’s first ethical qualm about eating mass-produced chicken...

“It’s just been reported to us that some of our customers think that their traffic is down because of the demonstrations by some of the NFL players,” Sanderson Farms CEO Joe F. Sanderson Jr. says

I love how the gradual shift in American culinary tastes keeps being reframed as a reaction to professional athletes protesting police brutality. Maybe Americans are realizing it’s worth it to pay a little more for food that won’t keep you on the shitter for hours afterwards?

He’s called Luke Null because he barely exists.


I remember the days when Jost would do entire WEs into the wrong camera, and Che couldn’t so two sentences without fucking up.

Between this and dating Scarlet Johansson, Jost is really living out the dreams of 17 year old me from 2005.

Slightly off-topic, but: #CancelLukeNull
