
I thought this whole episode was a mess. There were a few jokes that legitimately cracked me up in a way SNL rarely does anymore (candy cane blood jar, little pig boy, Franco’s za-suh delivery), but they were the product of inherently lazy sketch construction that wore itself out before any of the pieces came to their

I liked the spelling bee sketch too, but thing about the construction of it really bothered me. The structure meant that there were basically two joke hooks per word: “use it in a sentence” and “definition”. But they did the same joke for both hooks. It was so conspicuously lazy it genuinely distracted me from the

This show felt like it was a few rehearsals short. I know that Lorne Michaels says that “the show goes on not because it’s ready, but because it’s 11:30"; but this one really stretched that point. Even Kate McKinnon, the ensemble’s best, seemed somewhat unprepared.

try Lunesta.

“Hillary’s in the pockets of big business.” As opposed to Trump or any other politician? “She’d have been likely to keep us in active conflict in the Middle East.” We’ve constantly been in conflict in the Middle East, neverending, and wait to see Jared’s plan to attack Iran. “She may very well be terribly crooked.” Ba

Of course you’re ignoring the primary difference a successful election for Clinton would have brought the country: a left-leaning Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Instead, we got more-of-the-same in Gorsuch.

So, “a job” means that you only go out drinking with your friends twice over the course of 5 months?

Supporting Trump. The fact that this is even a question is absurd.

I mean, this is a president and administration that couldn’t even admit that the obviously insensible “covfefe” was a mistake, and had to pretend that there was some special in-the-know group who understood what Trump was talking about, even though it was an incomplete sentence.

“He was in Florida to campaign for his fellow pedophile/sexual predator”

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

Fuck me, I want this shit to end already. He was in Florida to campaign for his fellow pedophile/sexual predator, ffs. He’s a pathological liar who has never apologized once in his pathetic fucking life, yet he has the balls to call other people out when they make a mistake.

The strength of the laws isn’t the issue, it’s the willpower to enforce them. Currently that willpower is lacking.

I see no reason to be troubled by this. After all, if monopolies were so bad, wouldn’t there already be laws against them?

Nope. FoxNews is under NewsCorp. 20th Century Fox is a separate entity.

In the UK they changed it to Pizza Hut, which is funny cuz they’re owned by the same conglomerate now.

Now playing

Fuck the X-Men. I just want the proper logo back in front of Episode 9, as god intended:

Thank you. All I’ve seen most places is the Avengers/X-Men rejoining hype and I keep pulling may hair out screaming to no one in particular about how bad this is. I really have nothing else to add.

I’ve long given up hope of a future where we don’t live in subservience to a single planet-ruling corporate overlord.