
i was part of that groan.

it’d been a summer of johnny depp cameos and i literally just finished thinking how much i was enjoying this movie and was glad he wasnt shitting all over it by having a cameo in it - and then bam.

I remember when I was watching Fantastic Beasts in the theater and during the big Johnny Depp reveal, the entire audience let out a audible groan. It was interesting how excited people would have been ten or even five years ago but, now, a sizable chunk of the audience is just so over Johnny Depp.

““I wanna get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus, I wanna feel his salvation all over my face.” 

I just want everyone to stop treating it as the default “Leonard Cohen cover that’s the only one anyone should ever apparently sing.” The guy wrote hundreds of songs, maybe dive into the catalog and impress us by discovering one just waiting to be the new “Hallelujah,” instead of just throwing another fucking version

ITs not just this dumb show unfortunately, I’ve heard it creep in to various all Christmas playlists this year, heard it once on the radio and another time in a bookstore in the last week or two. it doesn’t make a lick of sense, very much like whoever decided that “Do you wanna build a snowman” from a couple years ago

Why is this dumb show treating Hallelujah like it’s a Christmas song?

Maybe she was using the European style, and was referring to the 11th of July, 1941?

something something the Germans invaded Pearl Harbor.

A month before a day that will live in infamy.

What’s amazing to me is Sebastian Stan now has two movies about figuring skating on his resume within the past two years.

Your scene was cut for time.

Agree, I think if you adapt the feel and tone his works would make great adaptations. For better or worse, Vonnegut’s works are essentially him monologuing about issues in our world in a fictional setting, which I can’t imagine being adaptable in any kind of visual medium.

That’s because so much of Vonnegut is in the words themselves and not just the story they tell.

You think Kurt Vonnegut fans are a bunch of racist nerds?

If you have never read a Kurt Vonnegut book you are missing out on one of the true joys in life.

Slaughterhouse-Five is one of my very favorite novels, so my “Don’t Fuck This Up” Meyer is in the red right now. That said, given the current state of novel-to-TV adaptations right now, there’s actually a good chance they can pull it off. Certainly, I have more confidence about the project than I would ten years ago.

‘Round these parts “First American Woman” = “First Woman.

-You’re not cooking!
-Yeah dude!

In a better world somewhere, Depp never lost his spark, and he’s working on a prestige series about the time he shadowed Thompson for Fear and Loathing, with Murray as the latter-day Doc.

What about What About Bob?