
They should pick Putin just to see how Trump would react.

I’d make it a tie. If Trump doesn’t win, he’ll just make some bogus claim about turning it down, probably ‘cause they couldn’t coordinate a photo shoot or something equally stupid. Forcing him to share the title gives him less wiggle room to soothe his ego.

As sad and horrifying as it is, I’d say the far-right is the Person of the Year. 2017 was the year we realized how bad institutionalized sexual abuse has been, but it’s also the year that real Nazis became legitimized.

Time always insists that the Person of the Year isn’t necessarily intended to be an honor, but it almost always bows to politics to prevent someone truly infamous from being named. See, for instance, 2001, in which it selected Rudy Giuliani instead of Osama bin Laden.

It’s bizarre. What was he supposed to do? Citizen’s arrest for being a douche?

That’s my Bush!

One defining trait of this administration is that the truth is always up for debate.

Look at the little sod. He looks like he’s selling band candy or subscriptions to the Catholic Standard and Times.

I didn’t think that was necessary, but I guess Billy Bush can’t think of any other way to stay sorta-famous.

Thanks for clearing that up, Billy. All this time I doubted the clearly recorded evidence of Trump admitting sexual assault.

she turned me into a newt.

The song is about women’s experiences, not SNL as a whole, so by taking cheap shots at the show you’re (characteristically) missing the point entirely.

Tina Fey has so many stories about trying to get ahead as a funny woman in her book. One of them is when Amy Poehler joined the cast. They were in the writers’ room talking about sketches, and the general talk was giving Poehler the wife and girlfriend roles. Poehler stepped in with crude jokes and proved her right to

I don’t think anyone in that audience had any sympathy for Roy Moore. I think it was just the kneejerk reaction to what was, essentially, a child molestation joke. It’s a natural “oof” moment, even when you hate the target of the joke, and even when the joke is good.

Most of the people you mentioned were on the show before 2000, and I get the impression things have been better for women on SNL since then. Also, there was a statement by dozens of women who worked at SNL defending Franken.

This is what I don’t get, by allowing these guys to continue to assault and harrass women the entire industry has been complicit for decades.

I assumed that Villasenor was portraying a woman being burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials since all her other examples were of women throughout American History

He’s with god now.
