
Maybe fuck some of them harder than others, though???

Why is it we’re talking about the pussy-grabbing tape and not this? Walking in on teenagers is sexual assault... On a teenager. This is just him waving his (thankfully proverbial) dick around.

If someone pulls a gun on me and demands my wallet I’m going to let them take it, but that doesn’t mean I consented to the situation.

I read this whole thing just to see if they would mention Super Nintendo Chalmers (the commenter) but got nothing. Not that I’m really surprised seeing as how they’ve shown us just how much they respect the long time Disqus commenting community.

The fact that he bragged about peeping on 14 year olds changing at Miss Teen USA has a lot less room for excuses. The dude’s a gross predator no matter how you cut it.

Also I think it’s interesting that Trump didn’t brag to Billy Bush that women throw themselves at him. He bragged that they don’t resist when he grabs

Colbert is great but he has some weird fascination with disgraced Trump associates who everyone else wants to forget about. He had Sean Spicer at the Emmys (which he did admit was a mistake) as if he were just some fun well meaning guy who got caught up in the madness (he’s as much of an asshole as he’s always been)

“Grab” implies force or invasiveness by its very nature. “Pardon me, miss, if it wouldn’t be too forward, would it be quite alright with you if I were to grab you by the pussy?” See, it just doesn’t sound right. It’s a forced, invasive action that is tolerated, or at least not resisted, because the woman is too

I’m not a fan of this guy but I really don’t know why he got fired. He giggled. Big whoop. I’ve giggled in awkward situations where I can’t say the truth or roll my eyes.

Could be he just went for it (he did say he can’t help himself) and they didn’t stop him because they were scared. Given he’s a rotting old sack of flab and grease, I’d say this is more likely than the women welcoming it.

Can you make sure to wear a flashing light or something so people know not to get within arms’ reach of you and your creative definition of implied consent?

Nothing else out of Trump’s gross, lipless, lamprey-like mouth has ever been remotely truthful, so why would you buy this?

You’re right, he is not confessing to assault. He is gleefully admitting to the fact that wealth and power turns what would be assault into something he can playfully get away with.

Alternately, fuck them all.

“They let you [get away with it].”

I actually think it’s refreshing to reminisce back on a simpler time, when giggling along with a predatory asshole’s narcisstic boasts of irresistable sexual prowess was a fireable offence. Nowadays, said asshole is President, a torrent of public figures (far more beloved than Billy Bush) have turned out to be

Or, he’s so delusionally narcissistic that he believes they’re giving consent, even when they are not. I understand that most people are not going to specifically announce “You may grab me by the pussy”, but that it also tends not to be something a person consents to. Fondling, stroking, fingering: sure. Grabbing?

It’ll turn out to be a minor issue.

Sir, I wish I could give you more than one star

Mama, just fucked a kid

Another one bites the dust.