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Personally, I am looking forward the explanation of the Black Hood being as follows:

up until this moment I thought Shel Silverstein was black.....

Riverdale is the only Twin Peaks soft reboot that has the balls to say “Black Lodge? Lame! Give me more of that pine weasel stuff!” and it’s so much better for it.

Riverdale is what you get if you ask a David Fincher obsessed film student to reboot Dawson’s Creek but crank up the Flannery O’Connor by 75%.

And I love it.

*checks, sees no “and also, there’s a wisecracking cat”*

Any word on why CW passed on this? I though they were going to back door pilot this show this year. I would have thought they’d want to keep Riverdale spin offs in the family seeing how they love Arrowverse crossovers

Riverdale is the definition of fun melodrama and I will totally give this show a try.

I modded a Power Glove to look like it was Iron Man’s. Where’s my article?

You can’t judge based on Superman 3. Different continuity. IIRC, Kara said at the end of season 1 that she can’t get drunk and nobody contradicted her, including Alex, who would know. It took stuff that would probably kill humans to do it in season 2. Red K Kara may have simply been bored rather than drunk.

Because Ollie needs a little sunshine in his existence and Kara is a solar powered alien.

Yeah, it had that “who are all these people sleeping in my house” feel of a genuine community event.

And wearing Stein’s “dress” because he wasn’t allowed to walk around the house naked.

Sassy is the new evil.

its because Snyder’s overall vision permeates the DCEU and his vision is there is no such thing as a hero. Which is great and all... for the Watchmen. Not fucking appropriate in the slightest for Superman (who finally becomes a hero in JL, for all of like five seconds)

Oh yeah, something I liked was how Earth-X Kara is a weird melding of Red Son and All-Star Superman

Trying to keep track of who knows each other is just about the most complicated part of this entire event.

It felt like a real wedding, with everybody arriving with their own baggage and little side-dramas breaking out.

“I don’t want to marry you, Oliver!”

And Mick telling the woman doing the seating that since he had tried to kill the groom several times, it would probably be best to seat him on the bride’s side.

I can’t believe it, myself.

That’s because we could follow it. They couldn’t do all the SFX current fights rely on in the films so they needed to rely on great fight choreography. At all times I knew where each character was, what they were doing, and who they were fighting. Little things like having Alex in the background, or a flame or arrow