
He’s like the most vanilla dork on the planet.

Michelle Wolf left Late Night perhaps a year ago to go to the Daily Show and tour doing stand-up. (She will be on with Seth this week though.) But Seth’s remaining bench of female writer/performers is very deep and very good. There’s Amber Ruffin, Jenny Hagel and Ally Hord that I’m aware of since they’ve appeared on

Best case scenario, he incisively critiques/pisses off nearly everyone in the room, but does it while being too adorable to hate.


What’s the difference?

Imagine being retarded enough to think this guy isn’t retarded.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Biff Tannen.

Okay, I officially want to lobotomize myself. How far should I go with the icepick? I want to go far enough to not care about this shit anymore. Somewhere along the lines of where the jokes on “Two and a Half Men” are funny, but where I do not feel the need to watch “The Real Housewives” of anything should be the

To be fairer, he’s probably unaware of any non-US news networks. Well, non-US/non-Russian.

That’s a false equivalency, though. I’d rather read (with some exceptions for in depth pieces like Frontline or late night satire) or listen to the news (BBC, NPR).

They can have control of those companies, but only if the Brothers do a round of Russian Roulette.

Yeah, and Rupert Mourdoch TOTALLY had no influence when he bought the Wall Street Journal.

Ugh late capitalism suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

Not really seeing it as much of a loss.

The Koch’s heavily investing in NPR is horrifying though.

CNN needed to call him out on that because he keeps calling them “fake news” like the self-entitled idiot he is. Frankly, I’m getting sick and tired of him calling anything that dosen’t automatically make him look good, or challenges his unrealistic view of everything “fake news”. CNN is a real news network that

How did AVClub make people vote for Trump? Please explain in detail.

What kind of nimrod thinks CNN has more reach and impact than BBC?

Pretty sure ultimate warrior was against the free press and also hated abortion.

Except the Macho Man wasn’t interested in destroying the free press, a vital safeguard needed for the preservation of a democratic society, because it offends his fragile ego.

Donald Trump’s hatred of CNN is basically the same thing as Randy “Macho Man” Savage’s hatred of Hulk Hogan. Useful for him, useful for them, and they both make out like bandits.